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Circles – Non-Calculator

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1 Circles – Non-Calculator
Year 11 Mini-Assessment 17 HIGHER Circles – Non-Calculator

2     Area of trapezium = ½ (20 + 12)(10) = 160cm2
Area of semi-circle = ½ x  x 32 = 4.5 cm2 Shaded area = 160 – 4.5 – 4.5 = (160 – 9) cm2 -1 mark if no or incorrect units with final answer

3 all correct descriptions 
Angle ACD = 58° Angles in same segment are equal Angle BAC = 22° either Angles in same segment are equal Angle ABC = 90° Angle in a semi-circle is 90° Angle ACB = 68° Internal angles of a triangle add to 180° all correct descriptions

4        CDF = 44° (Alternate segment theorem)
ABC and ADC opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral so add to 180° 272° 88° CDO = 46° ADC = 78° 44° ABC = x = 180° – 78° = 102° COD = 88° (Angle at centre double angle at circumference) COD (reflex) = 272° y = 360 – 44 – 32 – 272° y = 12°

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