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Chiriac Lilia Dr., conf.univ. |Tibuleac A., drd., lect.univ

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1 Chiriac Lilia Dr., conf.univ. |Tibuleac A., drd., lect.univ
Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova Facultatea Științe Economice Catedra Business și Administrare, Relații Economice Internaționale,Turism MARKETING RESEARCH Chiriac Lilia Dr., conf.univ. |Tibuleac A., drd., lect.univ

2 Object of Course This course will help students to:
Understand the marketing research methods, sources, processes for collecting and analyzing research data, as well as techniques for preparing and presenting marketing research reports. Raise awareness of the importance of marketing research, of the role of systematic information gathering and analysis in making marketing decisions. It is aimed to transform them into an educated consumer of marketing investigations, and give them the tools they need to perform basic marketing research.

3 Specific outcomes for the course
Course Outcomes Code Specific outcomes for the course Knowledge K 1 K 1.1.To identify basic concepts of marketing research and its role in business and society. K 2 K 2.1. To explain the concepts of measurement scale used in marketing information system for studying phenomena. K 3 K 3.1. To know the influence of the social, legal, ethical and technological marketing decision making. Abilities S 1 S 1. 1 The ability to explain the research results and develop solutions for implementing the marketing research results. S.1.2. The ability to create a marketing plan and promotional plans according to research results. S 2 S 2. 1 The ability to develop strategies for improvement of research methods. S 3 S 3. 1 To apply the ethics of marketing research during the implementation of the research Competences C 1 C 1. 1 The competence to collect and to interpret data related to different managerial problem and their implications on general development of international businesses. C 2 C 2. 1.To apply critical thinking skills by conducting qualitative and quantitative research. C 3 C 3.1. To formulate corect managerial problems and assumptions for marketing research. C3.2. To interpret rationally the research data, to draw correct conclusions and to propose efficient sollutions.

4 Prerequisites Fundamentals of management Fundamentals of Marketing

5 Bybliography Requiered readings:
Paurav Shukla. Essentials of marketing research. London: Ventus Publishing ApS, p. Feinberg F. Modern Marketing Research: Concepts, Methods, and Cases. SUA:Cengage Learning, p. Malhotra, N. Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, 4th Ed. N.J.: Pearson Education, 2004, 420p. Grover D., Vriens M. The Handbook of Marketing Research: Uses, Misuses, and Future Advances, CA: Sage Publications, 2004, 131p. Scott M. Smith, Gerald S. AlbaumBasic Marketing Research: Volume 1, Handbook forResearch Professionals ,Official Training Guide from Qualtrics. CA : Sage Publishers, 2012, 128 p. Additional sources: Constantin C. Analiza datelor de marketing, aplicații în SPSS. Bucuresti: C.H.Beck, p. Asandei M., Enache E.,Ciochină I., Gangone A., Manole S. Cercetări şi modelări de marketing. Concepte de bază şi aplicaţii. Piteşti: Independenţa economică, p. Cătoiu I.(coord.). Cercetări de marketing. Bucureşti: Uranus, p. Links: American Marketing organization E- Marketer National Bureau of Statistics Journal of Marketing

6 Share (%) of the final grade
Assessment Methods Nr Type of assignment Share (%) of the final grade Work in group, projects, simulations. 30 2. Presentation of individual tasks, testing, contribution activity in the classroom 20 3. Class activity 5 4. Class Attendance 5. Final Exam 40 6. Total 100

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