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Rest Areas and Roadside Facilities Maintenance [Location] [Date] Weeds and Roads D. PolsterJ. Leekie BC MoT.

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Presentation on theme: "Rest Areas and Roadside Facilities Maintenance [Location] [Date] Weeds and Roads D. PolsterJ. Leekie BC MoT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rest Areas and Roadside Facilities Maintenance [Location] [Date] Weeds and Roads D. PolsterJ. Leekie BC MoT

2 2 Best Practices for Rest Area Maintenance Invasive Plants and Impacts The Contractors Role Best Practices Priority Plants Overview Dalmation Toadflax Susan Turner, British Columbia Ministry of Forests,

3 3 Definition Invasive Plants Invasive plants are non-native plants that can cause significant damage. They spread very quickly, displacing and sometimes eliminating native plants They are sometimes called noxious weeds Hounds-tongue L. Scott

4 Economic Agriculture and Ranching Tourism Transportation Impacts Elk Photo: H. Schwartz,

5 Scotch Broom Environmental Reduced biodiversity Increased erosion and sedimentation Impacts Leafy Spurge L.L. Berry, Eric Coombs, Oregon Department of Agriculture,

6 Your Role Guidance Documents B.C. Weed Control Act Environmental Best Practices MoT Best Practices Guide

7 Your Role What can you do to manage invasive plants during rest area and roadside facilities maintenance?

8 Your Role


10 10 What Should Have Happened Here? Best Practices BC MoT Invasive blueweed

11 11 Whats Gone Wrong Here? Best Practices K. George Beck & James Sebastian, Colorado State University,

12 Priority Plants within the District [plant common and scientific name] Plants of Concern

13 13 For More Information… Contact your local Regional Committee Call 1-888-WEEDSBC Visit

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