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What are you REALLY saying when you say it?

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1 What are you REALLY saying when you say it?
Tribute to the Flag What are you REALLY saying when you say it?

2 The Emblem As this emblem is first in our hearts as loyal Americans, so is it close to our Altar as loyal Elks. Elks are distinctively American. Our Order’s founding and our very existence is tied only to our great country. Our Lodge room is always adorned with an American flag, to be placed close to the Altar during all Lodge meetings. And as Americans and Patriots, we first place it beside our altar at the opening of all Lodge meetings. Our members pledge allegiance to this flag, and only this flag, the emblem of freedom and the symbol of unity.

3 The Beauty The gentle breezes with lingering caress kiss the folds of no Flag which can compare with it in beauty. There is no such red in budding rose, in falling leaf or sparkling wine; no such white in April blossom, in crescent moon or mountain snow; no such blue in woman’s eye, in ocean’s depth or heaven’s dome … No flag is as beautiful as the flag of the United States of America. And no flag is more highly recognized than our great American Flag. The colors of our flag are red for courage and readiness to sacrifice; white for pure intentions and high ideals; and blue for vigilance and justice.

4 Those Stars … … and no such pageantry of clustering stars and streaming light in all the spectrum of the sea and sky. Man has always been fascinated by the night sky. The stars bring brilliance and luminosity while dazzling all who look upon them. What better way to represent each of our own significant and unique states than with a star. Stars are never dull, always bright The stars on our American flag, in the field of blue, help us remember that nothing gleams brighter than our great flag.

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