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NAVSEA has developed and authorized standardized shipboard training aids to support the new Damage Control Plotting Symbology in NSTM 079, Volume 2. NAVSEA has developed a total of six flag training kits. Collectively 41 types of damage or casualties are represented. The six kits consist of the Fire Kit, the Damage Control Kit, the Main Space Kit, the Damage Control 2 Kit, the Structural Kit and the CBR-D Small deck or the CBR-D Kit Large deck. The Fire, Damage Control and Main Space kits have been in u Note: This users guide is intended as a general instruction for the use of NAVSEA issued training flags. It is not intended to as a scenario package replacing CNSF or CNAF scenarios or drill packages.

Replacement kits or flags can be purchased under GSA contract: SIN Training Devices Contract Number GS-02F-0055U The Slate River Corporation For general guidelines in the use of NAVSEA Damage Control Training Kits. This guide is only intended to assist the ships Damage Control Training Team in the integration of Damage Control Training kit props into existing damage control scenarios. Questions concerning, comments or suggestions for this guide or the Damage Control Training kits should be sent to:

4 The General Goals of the Damage Control Casualty Flag Training Set
Introduce new Damage Control symbology Standardize DC training props throughout the fleet Reduce workload on DCTT by reducing the time spent: Planning and setting up drills Training and retraining the crew on the meaning and purpose of each training prop Developing own props and relearning training props command to command Train crewmembers on system color-coding and future Advanced Damage Control Software Systems Symbology Reduce verbal disclosure.

5 CONCEPT OF OPERATION All training flag have the same general concept of operations of dividing the casualty into 3 phases. Phase One: Report it (Size it up) Phase Two: Engaged (Fight it) Phase Three: No (Monitor it)

6 Phase One: Report it (Size it up)
The training flag is used alone or in combination with other props to disclose the casualty: During this phase the DCTT evaluates the emergency teams initial assessment of the casualty. Once the DCTT has observed enough actions it can move onto the next phase.

7 Phase Two: Engaged (Fight it)
The training flag is used alone or in combination with other props to disclose the Engaged phase of the casualty: During this phase the DCTT evaluates the emergency teams actions to fight the casualty. Once the DCTT has observed enough actions it can move onto the next phase.

8 Phase Three: No (Monitor it)
The training flag is used alone or in combination with other props to disclose the No phase of the casualty: During this phase the DCTT evaluates the emergency teams actions to monitor the casualty. Once the DCTT has observed enough actions it can move onto the next phase.

9 DCTT Flag Procedures – How to Read and Use
1. D-Casualty title abbreviation. 2. DCTT1-Hang the flag DCTT2-Hold the flag Date Mar Casualty Title Example photo of flag use during each phase of the casualty DCTT Guidance for each Casualty Phase Directions for REPORTED Phase of the casualty Directions for ENGAGED Phase of the casualty Directions for NO Phase of the casualty

SIZE IT UP Casualty initial reports, assessment, evaluation and information. What do I have? FIGHT IT Casualty engagement, What am I doing to make progress MONITOR IT The fight is complete, No further spread, Clean it up Reported = (Size It Up) Engaged = (Fight It) No = (Monitor It) 1. Hold the flag by the handle with the REPORTED ICON displayed in front. 2. The flag should be held at chest high level and still. 3. The flag can be used in combination with a smoke machine, flame machine and The Sounds of Damage. 4. Drawing non-verbal attention to the fire flag can be achieved by playing the Sounds of Damage and discharging small amounts of smoke . 4. Observe the trainee’s actions from 3 to 5 minutes to “size up” the fire. 5. Record all the actions of the trainee including the time it takes the trainee to discover and report the casualty. 6. It is not necessary for the trainee to complete all the actions in the FCB check list prior to shifting the flag to the ENGAGED phase of the casualty. Once the trainee has completed or missed enough steps to judge his or her proficiency move to the ENGAGED phase. 1. Flip the flag to ENGAGED symbol. The trainee(s) are now actively ENGAGING/ fighting the casualty. 2.To indicate the fire is “Out of Control” rapidly wave the flag back and forth at chest high level. Walk towards the trainee pushing him or her back slowly out of the space. 3. To indicate the fire is “Under Control” slowly wave the flag at waist high level. Back away from the trainee slowly. Allow the trainee to push the fire back into the space. 4. Observe the trainee(s) actions from 10 to 20 minutes to “fight” the fire using the flag to indicate progress. 5. Record all the actions of the trainee(s) including the reports, type of extinguishing method, PPE, tactics and organization. 6. It is not necessary for the trainee to complete all the actions in the FCB check list prior to shifting the flag to the NO phase of the casualty. Once the trainee has completed or missed enough steps to judge his or her proficiency move to the NO phase. 1. Flip the flag to NO symbol. The trainee(s) are now MONITORING/cleaning up the casualty. 2. To indicate the fire is out point the flag toward the deck at a 45 degree angle from the body. 3.Observe the trainee(s) actions from 5 to 10 minutes to “monitor” the fire. 4. The trainee(s) should, overhaul fire, gas free the space investigate for hidden fires. 5.The NO phase is also an opportunity to shift back to ENGAGED to “Re-Flash” the fire (if required). 6. Record all the actions of the trainee(s) including the reports, methods of overhaul, PPE, tactics and organization. 7. It is not necessary for the trainee(s) to complete all the actions in the FCB check list prior to completing the exercise. Once the trainee has completed or missed enough steps to judge his or her proficiency secure and debrief the trainee(s). 8. Conduct an on station debrief immediately to provide trainee(s) feed back and correct errors.  10

11 Reported = (Size It Up) Flip the flag to ENGAGED symbol.
The trainee(s) are now actively ENGAGING/ fighting the casualty.

12 Engaged = (Fight It) Flip the flag to ENGAGED symbol. The trainee(s) are now actively ENGAGING/fighting the casualty.

13 No = (Monitor It) Flip the flag to NO symbol. The trainee(s) are now MONITORING/cleaning up the casualty.


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