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University of Greenwich 30 September 2016

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1 University of Greenwich 30 September 2016
Final Event: Higher Vocational Education and Pedagogy (HIVE-PED) ESRC Research Seminar Series University of Greenwich 30 September 2016 Professor Jill Jameson Hugh Joslin, Sharon Smith HIVE-PED Partners

2 ESRC Research Series HIVE-PED Higher Vocational Education & Pedagogy in England Led by: Professor Jill Jameson, University of Greenwich Co-Investigators: Professor Patrick Ainley, University of Greenwich; Professor Ann-Marie Bathmaker, University of Birmingham; Professor Kevin Orr, Huddersfield; Dr Natasha Kersh, UCL Institute of Education


4 parity, progression and social mobility
ORIGINAL AGREEMENT SUB-THEMES 9 expert research seminars/events Parity, vocational pedagogy, leadership Democratic citizenship Progression to HE, social mobility Professionalism, HIVE qualifications Pedagogy: changing ‘training culture’ Student success, motivation, trust, drop-out 3 overarching research themes: parity, progression and social mobility

9 seminars inc. policy colloquium Political change: Coalition govt to conservative government; Conservative policy pre and post Brexit vote; HE White Paper; Sainsbury Review and Post 16 Skills Plan; universities and colleges move to DfE; area reviews; new apprenticeship standards; lifting of student number cap……. 2 conferences (inc. final event) 63 different expert presentations inc. 8 from international perspectives 526 delegates including research experts, policymakers, policy advisers, professional, research and charitable organisations, post-graduate researchers, University researchers, Further Education College academics…..

6 The Series 4 October 2013 Conference BIS Conference Centre, London Journeys to Higher Education 28 February 2014 Seminar One University of Greenwich Higher Vocational Education 23 June 2014 Seminar Two University of Birmingham Parity, progression, social mobility: critical issues for higher vocational education pathways 10 October 2014 Seminar Three University of Greenwich Apprenticeships and Progression 

7 The Series ..2015-16 6 March 2015 Seminar Four City & Guilds, London
Crafty work: re-forming, re-making, re-thinking vocational and technical education 30 October 2015 Seminar Five University of Huddersfield International Perspectives on Policy, Pedagogy and Practice in Higher Vocational Education 12 February 2016 Seminar Six University of Wolverhampton Adult Learning in a Time of Austerity 4th March 2016 Seminar Seven Linking London: Birkbeck College, London Perspectives on Higher Vocational Education in London

8 The Series ROUNDS UP 2016 13 May 2016 Seminar Eight
UCL Institute of Education, UCL The academic and vocational divide 29 June 2016 Seminar Nine: Policy Colloquium King's College, University of London Policy Colloquium: Higher Vocational Education 30 September 2016 Final Conference Event University of Greenwich: Queen Mary Undercroft Where do we go from here? October 2016 onwards Publications and MOOC All partners with key institutions

9 EXAMPLE Thematic threads
Journeys to Higher Education (Carter, 2013; Betts, 2013, Jameson, 2013; Joslin and Smith, 2013, Wheelahan, 2014) Vocational Pathways and Social Mobility (Bathmaker, 2014; Bragg, 2014) Progression, Access, the Comparative Nature and Dilemmas of Higher Vocational Education and HE in FE in England, the EU and International Contexts (Parry, 2014; Forster, 2015; Jørgensen, 2015; Orr, 2015; Virolainen, 2015) Professionalism (Avis, 2015; Winch, 2015) The Complexity of Progression from Apprenticeships (Fuller, 2013; Smith and Joslin, 2013; Morris, 2014; Ainley and Allen, 2014) Higher Vocational Pedagogic Theory and Practice (Lucas, 2015)

10 Thematic THREADS The Role of Austerity in the Disappearance of Opportunities for Adults (Field, 2016; Popovic, 2016; Slowey, 2016; Tuckett, 2016) Occupational Qualifications and Progression Into Employment (Bragg, 2014, Fuller 2013 and 2014) Higher Vocational Education,  Student Success, Motivation, Trust and Drop-out (Hayes, 2014; Jameson, Joslin and Smith, 2016; Kandiko-Howson, 2016; Kersh, 2016; Wolf, 2016). Progression in London (Betts, 2016; Spours, 2016; Tindell, 2016; Burgess, 2016;) Critical Perspectives, Leadership and Democratic Citizenship (Avis, 2016, Jameson, 2016), The History and Nature of Vocational Training (Ainley and Allen, 2014)

63 expert series presentations inc 8 international presenters HIVE-PED MOOC to be designed following completion of series: presentations from events commentary on themes publications video materials collected overview of findings overview of policy implications 7 conference presentations at BERA, SRHE, UALL, AoC, FERA 2 Routledge edited books 2 special journal editions 20 book chapters 10 journal papers planned

12 Where do we go from here…?
over to Chris Philpott,DPVC …..

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