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Emergency Preparedness

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Presentation on theme: "Emergency Preparedness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergency Preparedness
St Clair County

2 Purpose September is National Preparedness Month and the goal is to increase the publics awareness about the importance of preparing for emergencies and to encourage them to take action to prepare themselves and their families.

3 Why is it important? Having an emergency kit, a plan, and to be informed can help in many ways, such as: Protect our families Reduce the impact an emergency has on our lives Deal with the chaos

4 Would you be ready if there were an emergency?

5 There are 3 steps to follow:
Make a kit Make a plan Be informed

6 #1 Emergency Kit List Kitchen Supplies: Equipment:
Large plastic container w/ lid Garbage bags & plastic ties Can Openers/ plates/ utensils Food/Drink: Water– 3gallon per person Food– Ready-to-eat Equipment: Radio/Flashlight w/ batteries Whistle Dust Mask Wrench or pliers Candles/Waterproof matches Blankets Fire Extinguisher

7 Emergency Kit List Cont.
Pharmacy/ First Aid: First Aid Hygiene Medicine Other: Food/Water for pets Toys/Games Cash Copies of important documents Example of How an Emergency Kit should look like!

8 #2 Make a Plan Knowing what to do is your best protection!
Create a family disaster plan that includes: Communication plan Disaster supplies kit Evacuation plan

9 #2 Make a Plan (Home) Communication plan Disaster supplies kit
Meet with your family and plan to share responsibilities and work together as a team. Accommodate family member with special needs. Don’t forget to plan for your pets! Designate an out-of-area contact person Disaster supplies kit Complete the checklist

10 #2 Make a Plan (Home) Evacuation plan
Discuss the types of disasters that are most likely to happen. Explain what to do in each case. Locate your gas main and other utilities Practice your plan Pick two places to meet: Right outside your home Outside the neighborhood

11 Plans for Schools If you are a parent or guardian, make sure schools and daycare providers have emergency response plans. Ask how they will communicate with families during a crisis. Ask if they store adequate food, water and other basic supplies. Find out if they are prepared to "shelter-in-place" if need be, and where they plan to go if they must get away.

12 Plans for the Workplace
If you are an employer, make sure your workplace has a building evacuation plan that is regularly practiced. Direction & Control: Who is in charge of making critical decisions? Communications: How will you contact your employees?

13 Workplace Cont. Life Safety: Teach your employees about evacuation and sheltering-in-place. Plan for employees with special needs or disabilities. Property Protection: Install protection systems. Identify critical records or data and back them up at another location. Public Information/Media Relations: Designate and train a spokesperson who can speak comfortably with the media and provide critical information for your clients and customers.

14 On the Road If there is an explosion or other factor that makes it difficult to control the vehicle: Pull over, stop the car and set the parking brake During a natural disaster: Avoid overpasses, bridges, power lines, signs and other hazards If a power line falls on your car you are at risk of electrical shock: Stay inside until a trained person removes the wire Listen to the radio for information and instructions as they become available

15 #3 Be Informed! What do you actually know about different kinds of weather events and other unexpected situations? The words and terms you hear during emergencies can be confusing. Here are some common terms: WATCH means it is possible in your area WARNING means it is headed in your area. Go to safety immediately.

16 What disasters could occur in your area?
Natural Disaster Terrorism Public Health Emergencies

17 Natural Disasters Tornado Thunderstorm & Lightning Flooding
Winter Storms & Extreme Cold Extreme Heat Fires

18 4 Types of Terrorism Conventional- Such as bombings and hijackings
Biological– Use of bacteria, viruses or other harmful organisms, such as Anthrax Chemical– Use of a poison, such as nerve gas Radiological– Use of nuclear weapons or other radioactive materials

19 Public Health Emergencies
Influenza Pandemic Seasonal Flu West Nile Virus Food-borne Illness

20 Thank You!

21 Resources St Clair County Health Dept. 19 Public Square
Belleville, Illinois (618) St Clair County Emergency Management 100 W Washington (618) Ready America Ready Illinois American Red Cross

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