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(exceptions made for incredibly-smart sophomores)

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1 (exceptions made for incredibly-smart sophomores)
Design Physicist Dr. Smith September 26, 2017 Teacher’s warning: Intended only for consumption by 11th and 12th grade physics students. (exceptions made for incredibly-smart sophomores) © Andrew W. Smith SHS Physics 2017

2 What Do They Do? Study plasma, a very energetic (hot) state of matter composed of ions and electrons. Examples include stars, lighting, ion propulsion, fusion energy, nuclear explosions, etc. Academia: SPPL, PPPL, others. Government: Primarily National laboratories, NASA Counter Nuclear Terrorism and Nuclear Stewardship Private Industry: e.g., Space Systems Loral, Busek, HP Labs, others © Andrew W. Smith SHS Physics 2016

3 Point Design Implosion, 1
Strong shock launched by 1015 W/cm2 pulse. Pulse adjusted so entire shell is ablated. Peak burn occurs before shell stagnates Expect lower RT mix sensitivity Laser Requirements: Shell Boundaries Shock Laser ‘shut-off’ R (cm) Peak burn 146 kJ pulse 1.05 ns ‘square’ pulse with 100 ps rise and fall time. 139 TW peak power Laser Pulse Time (ns) Weapons and Complex Integration

4 How DO I Become One? Step 1: Go to college, referred to as ‘undergrad’. Study Engineering or Physics. Do very well (3.9+). Step 2: Go to graduate school. Obtain Master’s Degree – in something relevant (plasma physics) Oookaaay… Sounds Easy Why?! Step 3: Go to graduate school….more. Maintain > 3.5 GPA to enter PhD program. Qualifying Exam. Research something unique and write/defend a dissertation. Obtain Doctorate (PhD). Elapsed Time: 8 to 12 yrs 3.5 to 5 yrs 5 to 7 yrs © Andrew W. Smith SHS Physics 2016

5 WhAT IS IT Worth? Can work with dynamic individuals and companies throughout the USA and world. Forefront of scientific research. With a PhD, in excess of $12,000 (per month) May need security clearance up to Q (top secret) Requires clean background, lack of drug use © Andrew W. Smith SHS Physics 2016

6 Outlook Design Physicists fill a unique niche that global superpowers are unlikely to cut out of federal budgets due to severe consequences. Expected to grow by 10% or more in the following decade – largely due to retirement of existing workforce. © Andrew W. Smith SHS Physics 2016

7 Where Would I work? Global opportunities: National Labs:
CA, NM, ID, UK Fusion Research: CA, MA, NJ, France Space Propulsion: CA, UK, Russia Entrepreneur: Anywhere Teacher: © Andrew W. Smith SHS Physics 2016

8 WHAT Else CAN I DO? PhD is more about ability to learn than specific skill set, so… If studying stars, nebula, space propulsion, nuclear energy, and counter terrorism isn’t enough… Teach! (College or High School) Be a Certified Engineer - (e.g., own your own engineering business): Requires passing the EI and PE exams Consult in legal cases ($) Or, be an entrepreneur © Andrew W. Smith SHS Physics 2016

9 References IMAGE: IMAGE: © Andrew W. Smith SHS Physics 2016

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