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Troubles at Home and Abroad

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Presentation on theme: "Troubles at Home and Abroad"— Presentation transcript:

1 Troubles at Home and Abroad

2 What is “domestic policy”?
Any laws, government programs, and decisions which are directly related to all issues and activity inside a nation (what happens at home).

3 The Whiskey Rebellion The Battle of Fallen Timbers

4 What is “foreign policy”?
Foreign policy is how a country deals with other countries.

5 Foreign Policy The French Revolution Jay’s Treaty
Pinckney’s Treaty/Treaty of San Lorenzo Spain feared a U.S.-British alliance would threaten Spanish territory in America so Spain negotiated the Pinckney Treaty. The agreement set the southern border of the U.S. and Spanish Florida as the 31st parallel and guaranteed U.S. navigation rights on the Mississippi River.

6 Troubles at Home & Abroad
Find a partner or a group of 3; Open your book to page 294; Take turns reading each section; Fill in the matrix with event details, whether the event was a domestic or foreign policy issue, and how President Washington responded to the event. You may fill in your answers AFTER your read each section.

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