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Thank you for not chewing gum 

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1 Thank you for not chewing gum 
Materials: Agenda, pencil, science notebook and folder Tuesday October 13, 2015 Today’s Agenda: Agenda/Bell work Stratigraphy Objective: Today we will be able to use stratigraphy to map out the layers of rocks Daily Question: How do you think scientists know the relative age of rocks?

2 Vocab: relative dating: the science of determining the order of past events. outcrop: a visible exposure of ancient rock. strata: layers of rock (“stratum” is singular, “strata” is plural) stratigraphy: a branch of geology which studies sedimentary rock layers.

3 4 Geologic Principles: Law of superposition - Sedimentary layers are deposited in a time sequence, with the oldest on the bottom and the youngest on the top Law of crosscutting relationships -  states that the geologic feature which cuts another is the younger of the two features Law of inclusions -  if a rock body contained fragments of another rock body, it must be younger than the fragments of rock it contained. Law of faunal succession – observation that fossils follow each other in a predictable manner. Sequences are successive and correspond to their strata.





8 Law of lateral continuity Law of original horizontality state
While reading & filling out the worksheet, put the following terms in your notebook: Uniformitarianism Law of lateral continuity Law of original horizontality state Unconformity

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