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Molluscs traditional exploitation in Senegal: Anadara senilis L. (1758) Biological potentialities and risks Dr Alvares G. F. BENGA Geography Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Molluscs traditional exploitation in Senegal: Anadara senilis L. (1758) Biological potentialities and risks Dr Alvares G. F. BENGA Geography Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Molluscs traditional exploitation in Senegal: Anadara senilis L. (1758) Biological potentialities and risks Dr Alvares G. F. BENGA Geography Department University of Ziguinchor Senegal ICSR' 08 Double Tree Guest Suits Charleston 19 to 22 November 2008

2 Introduction (1) 11/21/20082ICSR' 08

3 Senegal: 708 km of coast, A country of strong maritime tradition In addition to fish, shellfish and the molluscs are also exploitated, in particular in the Saloum delta and Casamance river Anadara senilis as a key specie for the research Introduction (2) 11/21/20083 ICSR' 08

4 Introduction (3) The overexploitation indices pointed out in the principal production areas have led to programs of conservation based primarily on the biological rest These programs were applied on the basis of overexploitation indices, but not valuable data on the available and catched potential, and often, give lukewarm results at the end. 11/21/20084 ICSR' 08

5 Methodology Largest area of production, which is the Saloum Delta, combined of research methods to the sites of Niodior and Bettenty: * A follow-up, * Inventory and Biometric processes on the mudflats to have indicators of the exploitation. 11/21/20085 ICSR' 08

6 Objectives To appreciate the available and the level stock of Anadara senilis collection, To have arguments to justify or discuss the suitability of the biological rest, which virtues are extolled by local NGOs and supported by many researchers 11/21/20086 ICSR' 08

7 Results (1) 11/21/20087 ICSR' 08 ***** 5 indicators of the socio-economic follow-up were identified: An activity led by a natural and strategic regulator - the monthly frequency of field trip - -Lengh of field trips - -Average catched biomass - -The selective collecting area - -Declared manpower - -***Inventories and Biometric data - Permanent reproduction, - A reverse gradient biomass/ density and which rests a dilemma - The rough available biomass is largely higher than the catched level

8 Results (2) 11/21/20088 ICSR' 08

9 Results (3) Difficulties to postulate the risk of arks exhaustion and, consequently, the institution of biological rest of a mudflat because of an selective collection. - The collection is still selective and manual - The statutory system for accessing the resource and the rights of access to the mudflat remain jealously protected - Commercial size still strictly respected - Anadara senilis is a specie of high productivity and very tolerant the existence of strategic factors controlling the exploitation, in order to create a natural biological rest 11/21/20089 ICSR' 08

10 Discussions (1) in Senegal, the overexploi- tation evoked on this resource, at local scale, is not proven Consequently, overexploitation indices, admitted by all, can be the result of a high number of collectors ? Biological rest, the single solution to restore the stocks and to bring it back to suitainable levels? 11/21/2008 10ICSR' 08

11 Discussion (2) ++The biological rest test doesnt present less considerable interest as it permits to explore a scenario of management ++The biological rest can be an additional complex factor. 11/21/200811 ICSR' 08

12 Conclusion 11/21/200812 ICSR' 08 the potential of reproduction, the level of predation and natural mortality, The durable exploitation threshold of the resource or Maximal Sustainable Yield) is still unknown and other factors inherent to the resource as well as the repercussion of the ecological conditions seem to be as many research themes to investigate.

13 11/21/2008ICSR' 0813 Thanks for your cooperation

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