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Crystallography H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia Introduction and point groups

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Presentation on theme: "Crystallography H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia Introduction and point groups"— Presentation transcript:

1 Crystallography H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia Introduction and point groups
Stereographic projections Low symmetry systems Space groups Deformation and texture Interfaces, orientation relationships Martensitic transformations

2 Crystal structure: lattice+motif
Brass, diamond, fluorite Order hardening, Ni superalloys Rotation axes, mirror planes Screw axes, glide planes Point group symmetry of water Point group symmetry of shapes Notation


4 deformation of single crystals
Schmid and Boas crystal axes sample axes

5 properties as a function of sample axes


7 Orientation of grains in polycrystalline sample relative to sample axes

8 Diffraction phenomena

9 great circles: diameter equal to that of sphere

10 small circles: diameter less than that of sphere

11 To represent angles and planes
001 010 100

12 (north) 001 010 100 Representing a plane normal (south)

13 (north) 001 010 100 Representing a plane normal (south)

14 (north) 001 010 100 Representing a plane normal (south)

15 Wulff net






21 Using small circles To locate a pole at angles 1 from p1 and 2 from p2 draw the two small circles with angular centres on the two poles. Solutions at intersections. Explain how to draw circles which extend beyond the primitive - curvature the same

22 Angle between two planes

23 Cubic Symmetry

24 Cubic symmetry

25 Full cubic stereogram

26 2 equivalent to mirror

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