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Polyatomic Ionic Compounds

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1 Polyatomic Ionic Compounds

2 Polyatomic Ions Polyatomic Ions consist of one or more nonmetal atoms that form covalent bonds, but are not stable – they carry a charge. There is only 1 common polyatomic Cation and it is ammonium: NH4+ Most polyatomic ions are Anions: SO42- Sulfate NO Nitrate

3 Names Names of polyatomic ions that contain oxygen will end in -ate or -ite -ite is one less oxygen than ate Example Sulfate is SO42- Sulfite is SO32- Chlorate is ClO31- Chlorite is ClO21-

4 Writing Formulas The polyatomic ion is treated as one unit.
Use the crossover method – remember you are only crossing the charge’s number only!! Place parenthesis around the polyatomic ion if there is more than one Example Write the formula for Iron (II) Nitrate Fe2+ and NO3- Fe(NO3)2

5 Ammonium Sulfide NH S2- (NH4) 2 S

6 Practice Sodium Phosphite Barium Imide Hydrogen Peroxide
Calcium Iodate Copper (II) Sulfate Na3 PO3 BaNH H2 O2 Ca(IO3)2 CuSO4

7 Naming Name the metal then name the polyatomic ion. If you need a roman numeral, include it. Treat the polyatomic ion as one unit (as if it were one atom) Example - Name CaSO4 Calcium Sulfate

8 Let’s Try Na3 PO3 Na is Sodium PO3 is Phosphite
So…… Sodium Phosphite!!!

9 What if I have a Multivalent Ion with a Polyatomic Ion???
It’s ok! You already know what to do!!! Example - Name CuSO4 I know right away that SO4 is Sulfate and that Cu is Copper – but what level of Copper. So I need to follow the steps I learned Thursday! Find the charge number for SO4 and it is 2- Then I multiply the charge number by how many SO4 I have – which is 1 : 2x1=2 And then I divide that number by how many Cu I have – which is 1 : 2/1=2 Which means the Roman Numeral is II Copper (II) Sulfate

10 Practice! KCN Na3AsO3 Al2(S2)3 BaC2O4 Fe3 (BO3)2 Potassium Cyanide
Sodium Arsenite Aluminum Disulfide Barium Oxalate Iron (II) Borate

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