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CTE Leadership and Support…

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1 CTE Leadership and Support…
Celebrating 40 Years of CTE Leadership and Support…

2 What is VTECS/CTECS An Organization A Product A Process
Introduce yourself as appropriate. Add any information re:expertise in the assessment field (other work, etc) and specific role in this project. Provide overview of project. Intro the presentation: Procedures for administering the test, the materials you will receive and maintaining the security of the test.

3 Has Its Roots in Florida
Florida CSO made Performance Objectives a priority in 1969 Florida Vo Tech Director, Dr. Carl Prell, RCU Director, Dr. Ken Eaddy and Dr Roy Giehls completed three PO Projects over three years a at a cost of $200,000 using USAir Force Instructional Systems Design (ISD) Model Automotive Mechanics Assessments Ornamental Horticulture Employability Skills and Typewriting Communications

4 Florida’s Catch 22 In the end, they were very pleased with their processes and POs for: Automotive Mechanics Assessments Ornamental Horticulture Employability Skills and Typewriting Communication BUT this type of research is very expensive and time consuming and they needed 213 more which was too many for one state to do alone.

5 The Infamous Bus Ride During a COEI accreditation visit to Sheppard Air Force Base in the summer of 1972, Dr. Bob Childers (COEI Executive Secretary) and Dr. Ken Eaddy (Florida RCU Director) are riding on a hot bus talking shop. Dr. Childers asks, “Ken, is there anything the newly formed Commission can do to help Florida?” Ken then informed Bob about Florida’s Catch 22.

6 The Infamous Bus Ride Bob’s response. “Do you think this is something that other states would be interested in?” Ken then told Bob about Roy Giehls’ idea of creating a consortium of like minded states. A meeting was held with the new state director, Joe Mills. The rest is history.

7 V-TECS is Born Florida Board of Education Funds Feasibility Study with COEI SACS Dr. Felix Robb and Dr. Bob Childers invite every VOC ED State Director to “The Educational Consortium: An Effort Toward Accountability Conference” in Atlanta on March 3-5, 1973. Sixteen States Attend and Agree to form a Ten State Ad Hoc Organizational Committee On August 2-3, 1973, the Vocational-Technical Consortium of States (V-TECS)is formed following three organizational meetings

8 Getting Started Seated a Board of Directors on August 2, 1973 made up of one representative from each member state who then: Adopted Initial Bylaws and Policies Designated COEI SACS as Administering Agency Adopted a process to develop high quality Performance Objectives and Performance Guides based on USAF Instructional Systems Design (ISD)model Appointed Dr. Ben Hirst as first Executive Director

9 First V-TECS Board Charter Members Board Members Alabama Ruth Stovall
Florida Roy Giehls Georgia Paul Scott Kentucky Bob Spillman, Chair Mississippi Jim Wall Texas Hoyt Boyd Virginia Dale Oliver Community College of the Air Force e

10 Initial Membership Requirements
Pay an annual fee of $15,000 to support a central staff for management of consortium’s business and quality control of its products and processes Develop two Catalogs of Performance Objectives and Performance Guides each year using V-TECS Process Hire a full time Technical Coordinator to oversee development and dissemination within member state Attend all board meetings at VTECS expense (There were ten during the first two years of operation) Share with other members to create multiplier effect

11 Catalogs of Performance Objectives and Performance Guides
Validated Duty/Task List Validated Tool, Equipment, Work Aids List Performance Objective Task Standard Conditions Performance Guide Source of Standard

12 Curriculum Guide Performance Objective Task Standard of Performance
Source of Standard Conditions for Performance Enabling Objective Resources Teaching Activities Criterion Reference Measure Performance Guide

13 Criterion Referenced Test Item Banks
Assessment Items Criterion Referenced Test Item Banks Written Items Multiple Choice Matching Performance Items with Checklists Scenario Items ( Added Later) Performance with Rubrics Situation Multiple Choice

14 Workplace Skills (Mid 80s) Workplace Skills - Job Seeking Skills
- Getting the Job Skills - Keeping the Job Skills - Advancing in the Job Skills Related Performance Based Exercises Related Item Bank Scenario Items, Multiple-Choice Items, Performance Checklists

15 Related Academic Skills (Mid 80s)
Identification of Related Academic Skills Using Our Research Tool: Taxonomy of Academic Performance Indicators* (TAPI) Language Arts, Mathematics, Science ____________________________________ *

16 Software Tools Michigan Occupational Data Analysis System: Housed VTECS Duty/Task Lists and Tools and Equipment Lists at MSU that were linked to DOT Codes and Descriptors that could be accessed via modem from any where in the world. Given to VTECS, renamed ODAS Became the basis for developing what we now know as VTECS DIRECT

17 Skill Standards Projects
DOL ED National Skill Standards Projects Heating, Air Conditioning, & Refrigeration Technician National Skill Standards Related Academic Skills Analysis for ASE/NATEF

18 Business Skill Standards
New Challenges Administrative Support Occupations Business Finance Business Management Business Skill Standards


20 16 Career Clusters . . . groupings of occupations and industries.




24 Cluster: Graphic Representation
. . . a grouping of specialties within a cluster that share a common set of academic, technical, and workplace knowledge and skills. Academic, technical, and workplace knowledge and skills that cut across all Pathways in the Career Cluster. The Occupational Specialties that constitute a pathway.

25 and Assessment Strategies
Developing a Scenario A VTECS Skill Standards, Instructional Design, and Assessment Strategies Module * For ordering information go to VTECS.ORG

26 Special Projects

27 Kentucky Manufacturing Skill Standards Assessment Project
Early Assessment Projects Kentucky Manufacturing Skill Standards Assessment Project My name is Brenda Hattaway. I’m the Associate Director of V-TECS I direct several special projects including the South Carolina Assessment Project To set the stage for the information we will share with you, I would like to give you a quick overview of V-TECS and the Assessment Project. Then we’ll go into detail on the procedures for administering the pilot test, the materials you will receive and especially focus on maintaining the security of the test. South Carolina Assessment Project

28 ADVANCED Skill Standards Based on NACFAM Standards
Area: Manufacturing BASIC Skill Standards ADVANCED Skill Standards Developed by Kentucky Based on NACFAM Standards

29 South Drafting Carolina Architectural Electronics Computer Accounting
Mechanical Accounting Electronics Computer Industrial Marketing Business Administration Computer Technology C++ Pascal QBASIC Visual BASIC Office Systems Technology

30 . . . a Windows®-based software package designed to manage
Career Cluster & Occupational Analysis information

31 Career Cluster Information
For each cluster: Foundations Knowledges & Skills Internet Links Include or Link to Instructional Materials Pathways Specialities

32 16 Clusters

33 Specialties Within Clusters

34 For Each Speciality . . . Duties Tasks Sub-Tasks Equipment
Academic Skills Instructional Materials Test Items Tasks Equipment Standard Steps Enabling Competencies Academic Skills Instructional Materials Test Items Sub-Tasks Equipment Standard Steps Enabling Competencies Academic Skills Instructional Materials Test Items

35 Specialties Objectives & Steps

36 Test Items

37 Test Generation


39 Tasklists & Training Plans

40 Student Records

41 Student Records

42 Student Progress

43 Current Mission of CTECS
Providing quality technical assessments and assessment systems that are linked to industry validated standards… to meet Perkins IV technical skills attainment reporting requirements and program improvement purposes.

44 CTECS Role in Assessment
Validate the assessment processes to ensure face and content validity and reliability. Deliver the assessments online. Provide technical assistance and professional development to maintain and improve the system.

45 CTECS Motto for Model Adapt Develop Adopt

46 8 Unique Examples with the Same Goal
Arizona Kentucky Nevada Oregon (regional) South Carolina Virginia Georgia FBLA

47 In 2010 VTECS became the Career and Technical Education Consortium of States, Incorporated (CTECS). It now operates as an IRS approved 501(c) (3) Not for Profit Corporation with a Board of Trustees Made Up of One Representative from Each Member State. CTECS operate with a small Central Staff that is co located with the SACS Commission on Colleges in Decatur, GA. Staff is augmented by a Cadre of Experts Each state has a representative that participates in the annual Community of practice meeting.


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