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Modeling HE Detonation

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Presentation on theme: "Modeling HE Detonation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling HE Detonation
Muller, Shepherd, Chakraborty, Dasgupta, Goddard Provide a detailed reaction mechanism: 72 Species 445 Reactions Ultimately reduce (Eckett) Understand detonation on a reaction by reaction basis Understand how additional species (binder, aging, etc.) alters detonation properties. HMX

2 Starting Points GRI nitromethane mechanism
49 species 300 reactions Melius nitromethane mechanism 27 species 130 reactions Yetter RDX mechanism 48 species 240 reactions Guirguis nitromethane mechanism & data Chakraborty/Lin reaction modeling

3 Additional Species

4 Thermochemical Data B3LPY/6-31G** calculation
Compute Cp, H, S from K Fit to 14-term NASA form

5 HMX/RDX Combustion

6 Validation: Nitromethane Shock Data

7 Chemkin with Correct EOS
CV uses Ideal Gas EOS Can’t describe high P,T Obtained CK-Real Gas BKW, vdW, Peng-Robinson BKW EOS:

8 DFT-MD Modeling of HE Initiation
Understand how mechanical energy is transormed into chemical energy Hypothesis that the H atoms are displaced more by the shock wave than the heavy atoms. Run DFT/MD to investigate this.

9 Mechanism Dimethyl nitramine

10 Movie

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