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Colonies in America USHC 1.1.

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1 Colonies in America USHC 1.1

2 I. 13 Colonies Three types of English colonies on North America
New England Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island Middle Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware Southern SC, Georgia, Virginia

3 II. Religion Not everyone came for religious freedom New England
MOST came for economic opportunity Intolerance was the main reason for the separation of Church and State later New England Played a major role Pilgrims/Puritans came b/c they were being persecuted. They also persecuted, kicking out dissenters like Roger Williams & anyone who differed from them

4 II. Religion Middle Colonies More tolerant but not perfect
PA was settled by Quakers Maryland was a haven for English Catholics Lord Baltimore passed the Act of Toleration

5 II. Religion Southern Colonies
Religion played very little, it was about money Anglican Church was established but religious toleration was the norm Many French Huguenots moved to SC to avoid persecution at home

6 III. Society New England and Middle colonies began as egalitarian societies Equality for everyone based on religious thought Economic prosperity changed that Fostered town growth Southern colonies began with a hierarchy b/c of plantation/slave culture Large land holdings hindered the growth of towns

7 IV. Politics British colonists brought language, food, dress, and politics with them Including the Magna Carta The distance b/w colonies and GB led to the creation of governing bodies Virginia House of Burgesses NE town meetings

8 IV. Politics Salutary neglect and English Civil War allowed the colonies freedom Most colonies were royal by 1750, but used the power of money to control royal governors “Do what we want or don’t get paid.” Colonists WERE loyal to the Crown, just thought taxes should be local

9 V. Economics New England Middle Subsistence farming Ship building
Trading Fishing Little to no dependence on slavery Middle Fertile soil led to bigger farms Big families give lots of employees Grew foodstuffs mostly

10 V. Economics Southern Used fertile soil & great climate for cash crops
Tobacco, rice, indigo Shipped everything to England (mostly), British colonies in the Caribbean, Europe, & Africa Large reason for the growth of mercantilism Mother country uses colonies as a source of raw materials and new markets Often called the Triangle Trade

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