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Diseases of the heart muscle

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Presentation on theme: "Diseases of the heart muscle"— Presentation transcript:

1 Diseases of the heart muscle
Cardiomyopathy Diseases of the heart muscle

2 Lots of different types and terms
Enlarged, thinned walled and ‘baggy’ Thickened walls Rigid/stiff walls Combination Inherited Acquired

3 Heart muscle’s ability to act as a pump (the engine of the body) becomes poor
>>>>>heart failure

4 Heart failure Effort intolerance Breathless Chest pain Fatigue
Leg and /or abdominal swelling Symptoms of congestion- ‘congestive cardiac failure’

5 Can lead to rhythm disturbance ( electrical problems)
Can lead to heart valve problems Can affect any age, but becomes more common as you get older

6 Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Big, baggy heart- ‘low EF%’ - Ischaemic (Coronary artery disease ( plumbing)) -Burnt out hypertension - Familial /inherited - Alcohol cardiomyopathy - Post viral (myocarditis) - Unknown (idiopathic) - Pregnancy related (peripartum) - due to rhythm disturbance (tachycardia mediated) - due to severe heart valve problem - due to chemotherapy or radiotherapy - dysynchrony

7 OMT- Optimal medical therapy
ACE I/ ARB BB MRA Water tablets

8 Disease specific treatment
Revascularization- controversial Valve surgery Reduce alcohol Control heart rhythm problem More later with stiff and thick hearts!

9 Hypertrophic cardiomyoathy
Thickened heart wall- very thick to very minor thickening- often asymmetric Abnormal ECG Inherited, but can ‘pretend’ to skip generations 1:500 High blood pressure can ‘mimic’ Lots of other rare mimics

10 Stiff hearts High blood pressure Type II diabetes Amyloid
Haemochromatosis Sarcoidosis Idiopathic restrictive cardiomyopathy Radiotherapy

11 Right sided heart failure
As a consequence to left sided heart failure As a consequence to chronic lung disease- Cor Pulmonale ARVC- arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia Non –compaction Takotsubo cardiomyopathy- broken heart syndrome

12 Prevention/ risk factors
Family history Coronary disease- lipids/smoking/ Blood pressure Diabetes Obesity Alcohol Exercise

13 Treatment Family history Coronary disease- lipids/smoking/
Blood pressure Diabetes Obesity Alcohol Exercise

14 Optimal medical therapy
Disease specific therapy Cardiac surgery Device therapy Transplant

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