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Moving forward – becoming an outstanding teacher

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1 Moving forward – becoming an outstanding teacher
Mentor Training Moving forward – becoming an outstanding teacher

2 I feel I’m in the dark !!! School one report- end of placement targets and grades Students weekly training plans /folders Observation reports

3 Where next ?

4 A possible observation schedule
Obs 1 – making them feel good Obs 2 – Questioning skills Obs 3 – Mark book and differentiation Obs 4 – Homework Obs 5 – Advanced group based active learning strategies Obs 6 – ‘show off’and mopping up

5 Trainees are learners too!
They have expectations, prior knowledge and experience brought to any learning experience They need practical experience They need to develop their ‘craft’ They need clear feedback on their learning They need confidence building They need to develop reflective skills They need to develop the appropriate professional values for their professional context

6 Question ! How do we go about the process of ‘mentoring’in order to move them on to Outstanding ?

7 Task – spend 5 mins what you think effective mentoring is
what worries you most about mentoring your experiences of the role for yourself your experiences of your trainee/colleague Now discuss with the person sitting next to you.

8 4 key mentoring processes
‘(ways of) seeing’ and ‘observing lessons’ Giving appropriate feedback Encouraging reflective craft practice Turning feedback into feedforward… Moving the trainee on

9 Task How do we help support trainees to move forward with their practice ?

10 Example 1 TARGET 1 You need to plan for a more varied 'assessment diet' - more variety in the tasks and tools you use to assess learners. TS2, 6  TARGET 2 I think you would really improve your teaching by developing a better questioning technique. Develop a wide range of different types of questions which you ask in different strategic ways. TS1, 2, 6

11 Example 2 TARGET 3 When you plan, linked to your attempts at differentiation, think about the stretch and challenge. This is a top set but they are all doing the same tasks and in the same time-frame. TS1, 2, 5 TARGET 4 Think about your strategies for tackling low level disruption. There are places here when you do not take it on, and should do so. TS7

12 Ways of seeing… Consider the video of the lesson.
How would we ‘professionally intervene’ and ‘guide’? How would we help move the teacher forward?


14 Moving them on Evaluations – theories ,names,concepts –reflections linked to pedagogy. Timings of observations – seating resources Set them homework – research /development of resources Audio/video lessons Subject knowledge – eg SOW /WTPS Minute taker in meetings

15 Further reading MENTORING AND COACHING FOR PROFESSIONALS: A STUDY OF THE RESEARCH EVIDENCE Lord et. al. Research conducted by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) (October 2008)

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