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Pregnancy Abortion Parenting

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Presentation on theme: "Pregnancy Abortion Parenting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pregnancy Abortion Parenting

2 How do you know you are pregnant?
Discussion. Would you know where to go to get a pregnancy test? When can you take a test? If you haven’t had sex, can you still get pregnant?

3 What is an abortion? What is emergency contraception?
Emergency contraception is birth control that prevents pregnancy after sex, which is why it is sometimes called "the morning after pill," "the day after pill," or "morning after contraception."

4 Abortion Pill What is the abortion pill?
The abortion pill is a medicine that ends a pregnancy. The medical name for the abortion pill is mifepristone. It works by blocking the hormone progesterone. Without progesterone, the lining of the uterus breaks down and the pregnancy cannot continue. The abortion pill is followed by another medicine called misoprostol, which makes the womb contract, causing cramping and bleeding similar to a miscarriage. The abortion pill can be used up to 24 weeks of pregnancy at BPAS. What to expect depends on whether the pregnancy is less than or more than 10 weeks. The abortion pill up to 10 weeks The abortion pill from 10 weeks up to 24 weeks

5 Surgical Abortion Surgical abortion involves a minor operation. There are two types of surgical abortion: Vacuum aspiration can be done with local anaesthetic, sedation or general anaesthetic: Removes the pregnancy by gentle suction. Up to 14 weeks, this can be done with local anaesthetic. The quicker recovery time for this procedure means you can leave the clinic unattended and drive sooner. Up to 15 weeks this can be done with sedation (relaxed and sleepy) or under general anaesthetic. Dilatation and Evacuation – between 15 and 24 weeks of pregnancy. Carried out under general anaesthetic. The pregnancy is removed using narrow forceps through the neck of the womb (cervix). You will need cervical preparation on the day of surgery or possibly the day before.

6 Should a Foetus have an rights in the UK? ?
In the UK a foetus does not have any rights prior to birth, in the USA the Unborn Victims of Violence act was introduced which defines violent assault against pregnant woman as being a crime against two victims. Discuss the link

7 Who can I talk to? Doctors A friend School Nurse Family Chemist

8 Good Parenting Good parenting helps foster empathy, honesty, self- reliance, self-control, kindness, cooperation, and cheerfulness, says Steinberg. It also promotes intellectual curiosity, motivation, and desire to achieve. Do you think anything is missing from this?

9 Legally the parent has the responsibility to:
Provide a home for the child Protect and maintain the child Discipline the child Choose and provide for the childs education Agree to the childs medical treatment Name the child and agree to any change of name Look after the childs property

10 Other questions: Are some of the responsibility of parents being passed off on to other people such as social workers and teachers? What should be taught at home rather than at school? Should parents be legally responsibly for their child actions up to 18?

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