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Transplantation of Europeans to Rest of World

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1 Transplantation of Europeans to Rest of World

2 Columbian Exchange Eastern and Western hemispheres had no sustained contact for thousands of years Columbus Voyages opened era of interaction as well as the Columbian exchange in it wake and gave new opportunities and catastrophe Catastrophe was the Americans little defenses against the European diseases New Opportunities was the success of intercontinental trade

3 Benefits of the Columbian exchange
Do to the link between hemispheres food sources or goods were exchanged and the population grew This allowed Cassava from South America to spread to Africa and Asia White potatoes to northern Europe Sweet potatoes and corn spread all the way to china Wheat was leading old world crop to come to the new world, yet the most important was Domesticated Animals

4 Columbian Exchange From this exchange of food sources majorly increased the population more than 10X, about 500million in1492 to about 6billion today. Not everyone participated in the growth do to the demographic areas. European continent 1492 biggest winner, Asians generally well, Amerindians among the biggest losers

5 Northern American Colonies The New World North America
The Dutch Republic, England, and France were all three involved with discovering the New World Each of them had well thought out/planned ways of building ships and people who had talents with trade They were leaning towards gaining profit and so they started out in the Caribbean North America This area had multiple resources for farmers, artisans, laborers, and agricultural workers People were forced to leave Europe because prices from metal and trade routes were going down Therefore these settlers (Europeans) wanted to go to North America for a new and more successful life

6 Differences In Settlements Virginia Maryland New England
Settlers first came in search for gold, beaver furs, deer skin, and a passage to Asia (failure) : instead, tobacco is what they used and they wanted economic profit It was tough to live in this area and therefore the lower social classes lived here the most Many people settled here as indentured laborers, and didn’t receive very much at all for everything they did Native Americans weren’t treated with much respect; were seen as aliens Maryland There was also tobacco in this area Lord Baltimore (George Calvert) created a religious refuge for Catholics Weren’t respectful to the Native Americans either New England The pilgrim colony was the first settlement (1620) –Plymouth They also found a religious refuge The community was a result of the Mayflower Compact In this colony, they worked with the Native Americans and helped one another out Differences In Settlements

7 Continued Settlements…
Puritans They wished to purify the Church of England These people were well educated and rich People like Rodger Williams, minister, were forced to leave They had great respect for their community, discipline, work, education, and religion: but they didn’t care for the Indians Dutch The settlement in the New Amsterdam, but the English captured it (New York) Quaker Colony Founded Pennsylvania by William Penn This became well known because of their religious toleration, bringing many different people to this area; also Native Americans Once Penn died however, Native Americans were treated like they were anywhere else French They settled in the inland waterways of St. Lawrence River, Great Lakes, Mississippi River, and the Gulf Coast of Louisiana Major Turning Point The Seven Years War between Britain and France where the British won North American mainland By 1750, around 4 million Europeans moved to North America Continued Settlements…

8 South Africa * Between the years of , many settlers came to South Africa to establish better trade routes * The Dutch East India Company had invited the Dutch, French, and German settlers to move inland after first sending European settlers to South Africa in 1652 * The European settlers came to set a base for more efficient shipping between Europe and Asia * By 1700, Europeans had taken all good farmland and out of a 60,000 population, 1/3 were whites

9 South Africa * In 1795, Britain had taken
control of the Cape Colony to prevent it from falling to France * The Dutch formally gave the Cape Colony to British in 1814 * Struggle for land and power would continue on among the British, Africans and Dutch

10 South Africa * Most European migrations were free people who moved by choice, but through the 17th and 18th centuries, Africa contributed more immigrants to the New World than Europe * Africans were slave taken against will but African slave trading was not a new concept * Africa had been included into the Indian Ocean trade by Arab and Muslims where they exported gold, slaves, ivory, amber, and imported cotton and silk cloth from Africa

11 Questions TO Address

12 Religious freedom and economics opportunity
A) Explain the varying of settlement. reasons for European settlement, considering religious and political conditions at home, distance from the homeland, mineral wealth, and the purpose Europeans wanted to be able to practice their religion in the new world People liked that they could be protected and feel free with there religion It was easier to travel to there Indian settlement than there other areas Looking for gold, beavers furs, deer skin, and a northwest passage to Asia through the new world Religious freedom and economics opportunity

13 B. List Old world crops that became important in the new world and vice versa.
Wheat-Europe *Also domesticated animals came to the New World: cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, and goats ~New World crops that became important in Old World: Sweet potatoes-China Maize (corn)-China Cassava-Asia, Africa White Potatoes-Europe

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