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Final Exam Vocabulary Cumulative – 2016-17.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Exam Vocabulary Cumulative – 2016-17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Exam Vocabulary Cumulative –

2 reinforce Def: (v.) strengthen or support
Ex: I sought to reinforce my position. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

3 skeptical Def: (adj.) doubting; disbelieving; unconvinced
Ex: Skeptical investors refuse to invest money without a guarantee. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

4 adversary Def: (n.) an enemy
Ex: the montagues and the capulets are adversaries. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term!

5 conjure Def: (v.) to summon into action or bring into existence
Ex: He dreamt what his mind conjured up. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

6 inquire Def: (v.) to ask about; to search into
Ex: i went to the store to inquire about job openings. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

7 endure Def: (v.) suffer patiently; persist; persevere
Ex: it seems impossible that anyone can endure such pain. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

8 exasperation Def: (n.) great annoyance
Ex: his exasperation at being captured was so great that he cursed aloud. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

9 flourish Def: (v.) grow; thrive; prosper
Ex: young people are able to flourish in a student-centered environment. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

10 intention Def: (n.) purpose or plan
Ex: anyone who wished to enter the gate would have to announce his intentions. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

11 impartial Def: (adj.) unbiased; neutral; objective
Ex: The impartial moderator managed the debate and did not show favoritism to either politician. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

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