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Vocab Week 4 E2 VQ4.

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1 Vocab Week 4 E2 VQ4

2 E1 VQ4 abet – (tv) to encourage or to assist [someone] (usually an offense against justice or the law) engender (tv) – to call forth (something); to generate, stimulate or spawn antidote – (n) something that relieves the effects of poison countenance – (n) the appearance conveyed by a person’s face (expression) pacifist – (n) one who fights violence and tries to establish peace dearth– (n) an insufficient quantity or number din – (n) loud and discordant noises; cacophony dissuade – (v) to advise against; to talk out of distend – (v) to expand; to swell enervation – (n) weakness suture – (tv) creating a seam (stitches) used in surgery fitful – (adj) irregular; convulsive; spasmodic

3 abet abet – (tv) to encourage or to assist someone (usually an offense against justice or the law) Ex: Abetting an enemy of the U.S., such as ISIS, could win you some prison time. Synonym: support Antonym: impede Related: abetted (adj)

4 engender (tv) engender (tv) – to call forth (something); to generate, stimulate or spawn Ex: For most people, “customer service” doesn’t engender warm, fuzzy feelings. SYN: beget ANT: preclude Related: engendered (adj)

5 antidote Synonym: cure Antonym: injury
antidote – (n) something that relieves the effects of poison Ex: A snake bite need not be deadly, as long as one can get the antidote quickly. Synonym: cure Antonym: injury

6 countenance Countenance –
(n) the appearance conveyed by a person’s face (expression) Ex: His countenance, marked by a heavy frown, conveyed his disapproval. Related: recount (tv) Synonym: expression Antonym: concealment

7 din din – (n) loud and discordant noises; cacophony
Ex: The deepest rivers make the least din. Synonym: noise Antonym: silence

8 dissuade dissuade – (v) to advise against; to talk out of
Ex: I tried to dissuade him from going over Niagara Falls in a barrel, but he wouldn’t listen. Synonym: discourage Antonym: persuade

9 distend distend – (v) to expand; to swell
Ex: If a balloon is distended too much, it will break. Synonym: expand Antonym: shrink

10 enervation enervation – (n) weakness
Ex: A poor diet will cause enervation. Synonym: weakness Antonym: energy

11 suture suture – (tv) creating a seam (stitches) used in surgery
Ex. Making a great effort to clean the wound before suturing it, the surgeon was known for her meticulous ways. SYN: repair ANT: destruction Related: suture (n)

12 fitful fitful – (adj) irregular; convulsive; spasmodic
Ex: Due to fitful sleep last night, I’m not rested. Synonym: irregular Antonym: peaceful

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