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World history, Chapters 22-25

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1 World history, Chapters 22-25
Vocab Basketball!!! World history, Chapters 22-25

2 Nationalism devotion and loyalty to one's own nation;   patriotism.

3 Social Welfare Government programs designed to help certain groups of people. Usually designed to help poor people.

4 Refugees People who flee their homeland to seek safety elsewhere.

5 Electorate Body of people allowed to vote.

6 Capital Offenses Crimes punishable by death, such as murder

7 Expansionism Extending a nations boundaries

8 Secede To withdraw from a union or nation.
The South seceded from the United States before the start of the Civil War

9 Segregation Legal separation of races

10 Abolition Movement in America for the complete end of slavery.

11 Imperialism The domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region.

12 Genocide Deliberate attempt to destroy a racial, political, or cultural group.

13 Deforestation Result of cutting down massive amounts of trees.

14 Trade deficit Buying more from a country then you sell to them.

15 Trade surplus Your country sells more then in buys from other countries.

16 Modernization When a country adopts modern ways and ideas
Ex. Building roads, buildings, and schools

17 Colonial Rule When leaders from a dominate country rule over a less powerful nation Britain had a colonial rule in India around 1850’s

18 Famine When a country is unable to grow enough food to feed its people. Due to an increase in population in India there were many famines during British rule.

19 Isolation the separation of a nation from other nations
Japan was a isolated nation till it opened up trade with other nations in 1853

20 Restoration the act of restoring; renewal, revival, or  reestablishment. The Meiji Restoration in Japan is when Japanese rulers rejected western ideas and built a strong military.

21 Homogeneous society A society where its people share a common culture and language. Like Japan and China.

22 Indigenous The original people to live in an area or country
Natives to a place

23 Doctrine A political policy or plan created by a nation
The “Monroe Doctrine” stated that the United States controlled the American continent.

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