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Honors English III Rm. 137 Ms. Heuer.

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Presentation on theme: "Honors English III Rm. 137 Ms. Heuer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Honors English III Rm. 137 Ms. Heuer

2 About the Course… American Literature: 1600’s-Present
History of the United States  affected art and literature American Dream Included and excluded Changed over time Shared ideology  multiple authors depict the same ideas

3 Essential Questions for the Course:
Why do American’s write? How does community shape identity? What is the relationship between money and happiness? What is the American Dream, and to what extent is it achievable for all? How has the American Dream changed over time, and differ from person to person?

4 Texts to be Read The Crucible The Great Gatsby Of Mice and Men
A Raisin in the Sun Death of a Salesman The Things They Carried Various Short Stories, Poems, and Articles

5 Additional Work Membean Online Vocabulary Workshop
Choice Reading Assignments Choice Writings

6 Required Materials Bring to class every day: Suggested Materials:
Full Class Text Choice Reading Text Writing Utensil Chromebook w/Charger Notebook/Binder Suggested Materials: Post-its/Stickys Highlighters Writer’s Notebook



9 #1. Be on-time, on-task, and prepared every day.

10 #1. Be on-time, on-task, and prepared every day.

11 #2. Keep all personal electronics away and use technology appropriately.

12 #2. Keep all personal electronics away and use technology appropriately.

13 #3. Be responsible for your own learning.

14 #3. Be responsible for your own learning.

15 #4. Respect the teacher, the classroom, other students, & yourself.

16 #4. Respect the teacher, the classroom, other students, & yourself.

17 #5. Reserve all activities unrelated to learning for before or after class.

18 #6. Use common sense.

19 #6. Use common sense.

20 #6. Use common sense.


1st Offense: physical cue or verbal warning 2nd Offense: verbal warning and on notice for detention 3rd Offense: Teacher detention Continued infractions will result in a discipline write-up, as well as an or call home.

1ST OFFENSE: You will receive a verbal warning. 2nd OFFENSE: The phone will be confiscated and put in phone jail until the end of class. REPEAT OFFENSES/REFUSES TO HAND OVER PHONE: You will be written up, the phone will be given to the principal, and your parents will have to come pick up the phone.


Take your assigned seat. Take out your chromebook. Read the day’s agenda and objectives posted on the board. Read the day’s Do Now prompt on the board or posted in Google Classroom. Complete the Do Now, and then silently read or complete Membean while waiting for further instructions.

26 LEAVING CLASS Put away any borrowed classroom belongings (ex. pens, books, craft supplies, etc.) Pack personal belongings to take with you. Double check workspace for trash and/or misplaced belongings, and if found, deposit them in the proper place. Remain in your seat until after the bell rings.

27 SUBMITTING WORK All work must be submitted promptly when it is asked for. Any work submitted late (even if it is just later in the period or the same day) will lose points for lateness. Work submitted late on the day it was due will lose 5% (excludes HW). Work submitted after 3:10 pm the day it is due will lose 10% and an additional 10% for each day it is late (excludes HW). Late work will not be accepted after one week (excludes HW).

28 SUBMITTING WORK Late Homework will receive a 50% point deduction for one day lateness. Late homework will not be accepted after two days. Do not ask for partial credit on work that does not meet the deadlines for late work.

You should consult the class file box for any missing paperwork of any kind. Please do not ask me personally for any paperwork before consulting the file box. The class file box contains: Extra blank copies of every worksheet or handout given to the class. Note: The class file box is for paper copies of handouts. Anything that was administered electronically will be denoted on Google Classroom or in an .

ABSENT STUDENTS: Your paper handouts will be in the “Missing Work folders” with your name on the worksheet. Note: The missing work folders are for paper copies of handouts. Anything that was administered electronically will be denoted on Google Classroom or in an .

31 GRADING POLICY Essays: 30% Tests and Projects: 25% Quizzes: 20%
Homework and Classwork: 15% CR/CW/Vocab: 10% Academic Honesty and Integrity Cheating or plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated Grade on the assignment will be a zero without an opportunity to make it up. Do not submit work that is not yours—come talk to me if there is a problem that arises

32 GRADE SCALE A: C: A-: C-: B+: D+: B: D: B-: F: 0-63 C+: 77-79

33 EXTRA HELP AND CONTACT INFO Schedule a time to meet with me for extra help or to discuss your grades: either before, during, or after school. Free Times: 7:15-7:45 and 2:30-3:30 (rm. 244) me (until 10:00 pm) if you have questions that you could not resolve by reading directions, checking Google Classroom, or asking a classmate.

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