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Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

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1 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

2 WHEN: 1973 WHAT: International agreement/treaty between 183 governments (called Parties) to protect endangered species by ensuring that international trade of wild animals and plants does not threaten survival Different levels of protection for more than 35,000 species; regulates trade of these species in order to safeguard them from exploitation Provides framework for legislation BUT does not take place of national laws → each Party has to adopt domestic legislation to ensure CITES at national level

3 Requirements for joining CITES:
HOW: Requirements for joining CITES: Must designate a Management Authority and a Scientific Authority to administer licensing system that controls trade of species Must have laws to prohibit trade in violation of CITES Must have penalties for trade that violates CITES Must have laws for confiscation of specimens Brings together law enforcement from wildlife authorities, national parks, etc. to combat wildlife crime (e.g. crime against elephants and rhinos) Managed by the Secretariat and the Conference of Parties

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