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The Byzantine Empire Big Question: What was significant about the Byzantine Empire and what factors allowed it to survive after the fall of the west?

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Presentation on theme: "The Byzantine Empire Big Question: What was significant about the Byzantine Empire and what factors allowed it to survive after the fall of the west?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Byzantine Empire Big Question: What was significant about the Byzantine Empire and what factors allowed it to survive after the fall of the west?

2 The End of the Roman Empire
Due to Germanic Invasions, the Western Roman Empire collapsed in 476 CE. For nearly 1,000 years after the collapse of the Western Empire, Byzantium in the east would continue to thrive and build upon its Roman foundations.

3 A New Rome in a New Setting
The Eastern Roman Empire In 330AD, Emperor Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to the city of Byzantium in Greece. He renames the city Constantinople.

4 Constantinople It was located on the Bosporus, a strait that linked the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The city commanded key trade routes that linked Europe and Asia. The Roman Empire officially divides into East and West in 395. Eastern Empire flourishes; becomes known as The Byzantine Empire Justinian becomes emperor of the Byzantines in 527. His armies take back much of the territory that used to belong to Rome.

5 Constantinople Justinian launches a program to beautify the capital, Constantinople. Constructs new buildings; builds magnificent church, Hagia Sophia.

6 Ancient Mega Structures Video

7 New Laws for the Empire Justinian seeks to revise and update laws for governing the empire The Code of Justinian was a collection of all of the existing Roman laws organized in to a single code. Code regulates much of Byzantine life; lasts for 900 years.

8 Years of Turmoil Riots break out in 532 CE.
Justinian and his men are ready to flee but his wife, Empress Theodora speaks to the men and convinces them to fight. The government restores order violently and executes those responsible for the uprising. Justinian never forgets his wife’s role in keeping his throne. Theodora Video Justinian dies in 565 CE; the empire faces many crises after his death.

9 Problems in the Empire Disunity caused by East/West split.
West- dominant language is Latin East- dominant language is Greek Why does language matter? Linguistic disunity develops in to cultural disunity Different religious relics and services develop Different approaches to Christian faith develop

10 Linguistic Disunity West—dominant language Latin
East—dominant language Greek Decline in bilingualism after the fall of the western empire Linguistic disunity develops into cultural disunity Different religious rites and liturgy develop Different approaches to Christian doctrine emerge

11 The Church Divides A Religious Split
Christianity develops differently in Eastern and Western Roman Empires. Two churches disagree over many issues, including the use of icons. Icons are two-dimensional religious images used to aid in prayer. Leading bishop of Eastern Christianity is known as a Patriarch.

12 Primary Reasons for the Great Schism
East West Language Greek Latin Hierarchy Patriarch Supreme Pope Supreme Views on Icons Icons Good Icons Bad

13 What happens to the Byzantine Empire?
Pope and Patriarch excommunicate each other over religious doctrines and disputes over jurisdiction. Eastern and Western churches officially split in 1054 CE. West— Roman Catholic Church East— Eastern Orthodox Church The Byzantine Empire faces attacks from many different groups. Constantinople falls in 1453; brings an end to the Byzantine Empire.

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