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GBrowse-related work at ApiDB

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1 GBrowse-related work at ApiDB
Haiming Wang ApiDB Bioinformatics Resource Center Dr. Jessica Kissinger Group GMOD Nov 2007

2 Same database schema – GUS
Multi-species – comparative analysis Graphical for protein data

3 Database adaptor vs GFF
Pros: Live interactive with database Flexible with database schema – GUS, Chado Support complex data type, e.g. synteny, protein data Cons: Relatively slow – database tuning + bulkSubfeatures Familiar with SQL

4 Database Adaptor for GBrowse
Based on the Chado adaptor Separate queries into a separate config file Segment->Feature->SubFeature [GENERAL] description = PlasmoDB Release 5.3 db_adaptor = DAS::GUS database = dbi:Oracle:sid=crypto;;port=1521 user = gususer pass = pass db_args = -sqlfile =>$ENV{DOC_ROOT}.'/gbrowse.conf/plasmodb.xml'

5 features segment

6 PBrowse

7 Synteny Browser - SynView
Steve Fisher will present it in details later

8 Track Customization

9 init_code = sub hover { use HTML::Template; my ($name, $data) my $tmpl = HTML::Template=>new(filename=>$ENV{ROOT}.'/gbrowse/hover.tmpl'); $tmpl->param(DATA => [ map > 1 ? (KEY=>$_->[0], VALUE => $_->[1]):(SINGLE => my $str = $tmpl->output; $str =~ s/'/\\'/g; return qq{" onMouseOver="$cmd;return escape('$str')}; } link_target = sub { my $f = shift; my $name = $f->name; my $start = $f->start; my $stop = $f->stop; my ($freq) = $f->get_tag_values('RawCount'); my ($tag) = $f->get_tag_values('Sequence'); [ 'Location:' => "$start..$stop" ]; [ 'Sequence:' => $tag ]; [ 'Library:' => $lib ]; [ 'Frequency:' => $freq]; return hover( "Sage Tag - Temp ID $name",

10 Future Works Performance tuning – SQL, bulksubfeatures, AJAX tooltips
Unification with web inferface WDK All projects share same gbrowse configuration Be able to divide the .conf and .xml files into sub files Be able to include/exclude based on project Re-using sql and perl across tracks, e.g. duplicate code

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