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Ronald Reagan Republican Elections: 1980 1984.

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1 Ronald Reagan Republican Elections: 1980 1984

2 Political Ad Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?
decrease government and taxes



5 Assassination Attempt March 30, days into presidency Shot in lung but recovered quickly John Hinkley found not guilty by insanity and is still in psychiatric facility

6 Iran Contra Affair 2 slides
During Iran-Iraq war, Iran secretly asked to buy weapons from U.S. U.S. Congress prohibited this sale of arms Reagan wanted to save 7 American hostages in Lebanon Arms-for-hostages deal was reached behind doors 1,500 missiles went to Iran / 3 hostages released

7 -Iran paid $30 million to U. S
-Iran paid $30 million to U.S. for arms Only $12 million was put on the U.S. books. -Lt Col Oliver North had given missing money to rebel Contras in Nicaragua who were fighting the communist government there -Lebanon exposed the sale -Reagan went on TV denying he had done this sale for hostages.

8 Weeks later….Reagan admitted approving the Iran-Contra Affair Results of Iran-Contra: people charged with operational or cover-up crimes - one conviction overturned - President Bush issued 6 pardons - U.S. laws had been broken - Reagan’s image was hurt

9 Economy under this President
His economic philosophy was called supply side which became known as “Reaganomics” economy will trickle down from the top give tax breaks to the rich and they will use that money to create businesses and jobs for the rest of the people

10 The Economy under this President
1976 1980 Unemployment 7.5 5.5 Debt or Surplus? debt Americans below the poverty line increased huge increases in military spending doubled the national debt from the 1970s


12 Taxes Government run Privately run


14 Campaign promises reduce taxes
balance the budget and end inflation by 1989 restore military strength cut big government programs – make them private never negotiate with terrorists

15 Promises he kept raised taxes 11 times
increase budget debt with military spending encouraged development of private businesses fired public union workers

16 Major Events Iran-Contra Affair Cold War – increased military spending
Berlin Wall came down 1981 – AIDS first identified.

17 Accomplishments at Home
began “supply side” economics –” laissez faire” largest peacetime buildup of military in U.S. history - up 40% busted unions – fired 11,000 air traffic controllers granted amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants said American schools were failing – teachers were to blame

18 Accomplishments Abroad
Signed agreement with the Soviet Union to reduce nuclear weapons stockpiles Wanted Star Wars – a Strategic Defense Initiative that included ground and air based missiles – this failed to win approval (money) in Congress

19 How he is viewed today.. called the “great communicator”
still a huge leader in the Republican Party known as an anti-tax hero

20 How did he change the country
peaceful resolution to the Cold War reduced inflation and unemployment record growth of national debt

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