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ANSYS in Academics Problem Cornell researchers are developing a high-efficiency, low-emissions cookstove that produces biochar (charcoal), which can.

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Presentation on theme: "ANSYS in Academics Problem Cornell researchers are developing a high-efficiency, low-emissions cookstove that produces biochar (charcoal), which can."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANSYS in Academics Problem Cornell researchers are developing a high-efficiency, low-emissions cookstove that produces biochar (charcoal), which can be used to fertilize soil for use in developing countries. These countries commonly use inefficient cookstoves, that require more wood for fuel and heavily smoke causing air pollution. A stove under development was not performing as required because smoke was coming out of the air inlets Solution To prevent smoke from exiting through air inlets, the researchers modeled the cookstove in ANSYS Fluent, leading to placement of a cone on top of the pyrolysis chamber to guide the flow inwards. AA V8 I1: Biochar Cookstove Design --- ANSYS simulation software detected early design flaws, numerically reproduced the backward flow problem and provided insight that led and undergrad student to devise the cone solution. Cornell University

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