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Tonya Chandler 3rd November 7-11 Bellringer L3.2 a-f L3.2f, RF3.3

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Presentation on theme: "Tonya Chandler 3rd November 7-11 Bellringer L3.2 a-f L3.2f, RF3.3"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tonya Chandler 3rd November 7-11 Bellringer L3.2 a-f L3.2f, RF3.3
Coding: Technology CIP Goals Writing Standards C1 communicate, C2 Collaborate, C3 Critical Thinking C4 Create Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 1 independently Review and discuss as a class by sharing corrections C1, C3 Smartboard Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 2 with your table partner.C1, C3 Review as a class by sharing corrections Smartboard Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 3 with your table partner. C1, C3 Review as a class and share corrections Smartboard Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 4 individually. Review and share corrections as a class C1, C3 Smartboard Veteran’s Day Bellringer L3.2 a-f L3.2f, RF3.3 Spelling Skill: contractions Skill: contractions Write the first ten words in your neatest print handwriting and the next ten in your neatest cursive handwriting C1,C2 Skill: contractions Guide students in giving one another a practice spelling test. each partner takes 10 words. Check one another for accuracy Skill: Contractions Assessment Veteran’s Day Review how contractions are formed Given 2 words, have students write the matching contraction for each spelling word C1, C2 Skill: action and linking verbs Tell: students a verb either shows an action or links parts of the sentence together. Model: model for students choosing the verb in a sentence given a list of linking verbs. Guide: students in choosing the verb on their own. C1, C2 Skill: action and linking verbs Practice the state of being verbs poem Guide: Provide students with a list of 10 sentences and identify the verb in each sentence. Provide assistance as they work with a partner to choose the verb in the next 10 sentences. C1, C2 Skill: action and linking verbs Guide students in working with a partner in a verb hunt. Given a passage, have partners highlight action and linking verbs in two different colors. C1, C3 Reading Assessment Veteran’s Day Grammar L3.4a, L3.5 Skill: Drawing Conclusions Before: Traveling Activity Guide students in drawing a conclusion about where each traveler is headed. During: Guide students in working in groups to complete a graphic organizer C1, C2,C3, C4 Skill: Drawing Conclusions How Do You Raise a Raisin Review Drawing Conclusions and the activities from Monday. After: Guide students in reading a nonfiction text Cactus and Draw Conclusions. C1,C2, C3 Skill: Drawing Conclusions How Do You Raise a Raisin chunking activity Stop after each chunk and answer guided reading questions. Have students turn and talk. Use equity sticks. C1, C2, C3 Reading RL3.1,3.8 Reading Assessment Veteran’s Day Small Groups RL3.1,3.2,3.3, 3.7, 3.9 Skill: Critical Thinking President of the United States Identify unknown vocabulary. Closely read the passage. Stop and discuss. Highlight important or new information C1,C2, C3 CIP Goal Skill: Critical Thinking Political Parties Identify unknown vocabulary. Closely read the passage. Stop and discuss. Highlight important or new information C1,C2, C3 CIP Goal Veteran’s Day Skill: Critical Thinking Political Parties Identify unknown vocabulary. Closely read the passage. Stop and discuss. Highlight important or new information C1,C2,C3 CIP Goal Skill: Critical Thinking President of the United States Identify unknown vocabulary. Closely read the passage. Stop and discuss. Highlight important or new information C1,C2, C3 CIP Goal

2 RtI Daily Spelling Words Stations Assess fluency with timed read
Focus: Phonics- review covered patterns with flash cards Fluency- repeated readings with fluency passage Focus: Phonics- review covered patterns with flash cards Fluency- repeated readings with fluency passage Focus: Phonics- review covered patterns with flash cards Fluency- repeated readings with fluency passage Focus: Phonics- review covered patterns with flash cards Fluency- repeated readings with fluency passage Assess fluency with timed read RtI Vocabulary: area proof artificial raise grapevine raisin preservative (Context Clues/ Homophones) Vocabulary: Cursive handwriting Write short words connecting lowercase letters Master Teacher: Daily Stations Spelling Words Computer Lexia Let’s She’d He’d They’ll You’ll When’s Can’t We’d I’d Should’ve won’t Wasn’t Haven’t Didn’t Hasn’t They’d Needn’t Would’ve You’ve Could’ve Reading Students read silently Teacher Close Reading Passages Seatwork Independent or partner practice Close Reading Passages : How to Raise a Raisin Read aloud: Charlotte’s Web

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