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The Mini Board Ongoing, “in the moment” assessments may be the most powerful tool teachers have for improving student performance. For students to get.

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Presentation on theme: "The Mini Board Ongoing, “in the moment” assessments may be the most powerful tool teachers have for improving student performance. For students to get."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mini Board Ongoing, “in the moment” assessments may be the most powerful tool teachers have for improving student performance. For students to get better at anything, they need lots of quick rigorous practice, spaced over time, with immediate feedback. The Mini Boards can do just that. ©Bill Atwood 2018

2 Examples What follows are some sample word problems that can be solved with a bar model. Common Core Math Standards 1.OA ©Bill Atwood 2018

3 Additional Standards Addressed: 1.OA: 3, 4, 7, 8
©Bill Atwood 2018

4 Table 1 Common Core Standards Glossary
©Bill Atwood 2014

5 Underline what you KNOW! (the key information
Teachers: Print the following slides (as needed), and then have students insert it into their Mini Board. Note: On some word problems near the beginning, I have modeled how to mark up the questions: Underline what you KNOW! (the key information Use parenthesis for the question or task. (What you NEED to find.) ©Bill Atwood 2018

6 ©Bill Atwood 2018

7 whole ©Bill Atwood 2018

8 ©Bill Atwood 2018

9 I have 3 fish. I got 5 more fish at the store. How many do I have now?
( ) 🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟 3 + 5 = ☐ 5 + 3 = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

10 I have 3 fish. I got 5 more fish at the store. How many do I have now?
( ) 3 5 3 + 5 = ☐ = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

11 There were 4 cats in the house. Then, 7 more came in
There were 4 cats in the house. Then, 7 more came in. How many are in the house now? ( ) 4 7 4 + 7 = ☐ = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

12 ☐ 8 5 ) ( Bill has 8 pennies. I have 5 pennies.
How many do we have in all? ( ) 8 5 8 + 5 = ☐ = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

13 There were some cows in my yard. Then 3 more cows came. Now there are 9. How many were there before?
( ) 9 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 3 ☐ + 3 = 9 or = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

14 There were some deer in my yard. Then 5 more deer came
There were some deer in my yard. Then 5 more deer came. Now there are 14. How many were there before? ( ) 14 5 ☐ + 5 = or = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

15 There were 8 kids in my class. Then some more kids came
There were 8 kids in my class. Then some more kids came. Now there are 18. How many came in? ( ) 18 8 8 + ☐ = = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

16 There were 10 grapes on the table. I ate some of them. Now there are 4.
How many did I eat? ( ) 10 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 4 🍒 🍒 = ☐ ☐ + 4 = 10 ©Bill Atwood 2018

17 There were 8 cookies on the table. I ate 3 cookies. How many are left?
( ) 8 3 3 + ☐ = = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

18 12 4 ☐ ( ) There were 12 flowers in the garden.
I picked 4 of them. How many are left? ( ) 12 4 4 + ☐ = = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

19 There were 9 grapes on the table. I ate some of them. Now there are 6.
How many did I eat? ( ) 9 6 9 - 6 = ☐ ☐ + 6 = 9 ©Bill Atwood 2018

20 There were some flowers in the garden. I picked 3 of them
There were some flowers in the garden. I picked 3 of them. Now there are 7 left. How many were there before? ( ) 🌷 🌷 🌷 🌷 🌷 🌷 🌷 🌷 🌷 🌷 3 7 ☐ - 3 = = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

21 There were some flowers in the garden. I picked 3 of them
There were some flowers in the garden. I picked 3 of them. Now there are 10. How many were there before? ( ) 3 10 ☐ - 3 = = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

22 There were some apples in the tree. I picked 5 of them. Now there are 3.
How many were there before? ( ) 5 3 ☐ - 5 = = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

23 There are 8 apples on the table
There are 8 apples on the table. 3 of them are red, and the rest are green. How many are green? ( ) 🍎 🍎 🍎 🍏 🍏 🍏 🍏 🍏 8 🍎 🍎 🍎 🍏 🍏 🍏 🍏 🍏 3 5 3 + ☐ = ☐ = 3 ©Bill Atwood 2018

24 There are 8 apples on the table
There are 8 apples on the table. 3 of them are red, and the rest are green. How many are green? ( ) 8 3 3 + ☐ = ☐ = 3 ©Bill Atwood 2018

25 There are 11 hats on the bed. 5 of them are red, and the rest are green. How many are green?
( ) 11 5 5 + ☐ = ☐ = 5 ©Bill Atwood 2018

26 My pencil is 7 inches long. My crayon is 3 inches long
My pencil is 7 inches long. My crayon is 3 inches long. How much longer is my pencil? ( ) 7 in 3 in 3 + ☐ = ☐ = 3 ©Bill Atwood 2018

27 My pencil is 7 inches long. My crayon is 3 inches long
My pencil is 7 inches long. My crayon is 3 inches long. How much longer is my pencil? ( ) 7 in 3 3 + ☐ = ☐ = 3 ©Bill Atwood 2018

28 My mom is 70 inches tall. I am 54 inches tall
My mom is 70 inches tall. I am 54 inches tall. How much taller is my mom? ( ) 70 in 54 in. 54 + ☐ = = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

29 My foot is 8 inches long. My hand is 5 inches long
My foot is 8 inches long. My hand is 5 inches long. How much longer is my foot? ( ) 8 in. 5 in 5 + ☐ = = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

30 My snow man is 20 inches tall
My snow man is 20 inches tall. The head of the snowman is only 4 inches tall. How much smaller is the head? ( ) 20 4 4 + ☐ = = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

31 ☐ ( ) 6 ft 9 ft farther 6 + 9 = ☐ ☐ - 9 = 6
I threw the paper airplane 9 feet farther than Tom. If Tom threw it 6 feet, how far did I throw it? ( ) 6 ft 9 ft farther 6 + 9 = ☐ ☐ - 9 = 6 ©Bill Atwood 2018

32 I threw the paper airplane 9 feet farther than Tom
I threw the paper airplane 9 feet farther than Tom. If Tom threw it 6 feet, how far did I throw it? ( ) 6 9 6 + 9 = ☐ ☐ - 9 = 6 ©Bill Atwood 2018

33 I slept for 8 hours. Tom slept for 3 hours longer
I slept for 8 hours. Tom slept for 3 hours longer. How long did Tom sleep? ( ) 8 3 8 + 3 = ? ☐ - 3 = 8 ©Bill Atwood 2018

34 I ate 17 pieces of candy. Tom ate 13 pieces. How many less did Tom eat?
13 + ☐ = = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

35 Mary has a sticker collection. She has 3 stars, 4 bells, and 2 bikes
Mary has a sticker collection. She has 3 stars, 4 bells, and 2 bikes. How many stickers does she have? 4 2 3 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🚲 🚲 = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

36 Bob has pets. He has 2 dogs, 3 cats, and 9 fish
Bob has pets. He has 2 dogs, 3 cats, and 9 fish. How many pets does he have? 2 3 9 = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

37 4 4 4 = 4 4 = 4 Sam has 4 hats. Pat has 4 hats. Use > = <
to show which is a bigger number of fish. 4 4 4 = 4 4 = 4 ©Bill Atwood 2018

38 Bob has 14 pets. Mary has 9 pets. Use > = <
to show which is a bigger number of pets. 9 14 14 > 9 9 < 14 ©Bill Atwood 2018

39 6 9 9 > 6 6 < 9 Dan has 9 fish. Tim has 6 fish. Use > = <
to show which is a bigger number of fish. 6 9 9 > 6 6 < 9 ©Bill Atwood 2018

40 George has 3 dollars. His grandma gives him 11 more dollars
George has 3 dollars. His grandma gives him 11 more dollars. How much does he have now? 3 11 = ☐ = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

41 Yesterday, George had some money. Today, Grandma gave him 3 dollars
Yesterday, George had some money. Today, Grandma gave him 3 dollars. Now he has 20 dollars. How much did he have yesterday? 20 3 ☐ + 3 = = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

42 Last week there were some bunnies in my yard. Today 8 more came
Last week there were some bunnies in my yard. Today 8 more came. Now there are 20 bunnies. How many were there yesterday? 20 8 ☐ + 8 = = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

43 When everyone is here, our class has 18 students. 5 are absent today
When everyone is here, our class has 18 students. 5 are absent today. How many are here today? 18 5 5 + ☐ = = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

44 Last week there were some bunnies in my yard. Today 8 more came
Last week there were some bunnies in my yard. Today 8 more came. Now there are 20 bunnies. How many were there yesterday? 8 20 = 28 Is this right? What mistake was made? Can you fix it?

45 Can you draw the Bar Diagram?
©Bill Atwood 2018

46 Can you draw the Bar Diagram?
©Bill Atwood 2018

47 I have 9 stickers. I got 3 more. How many do I have now?
9 + 3 = ☐ 3 + 9 = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

48 I had 14 stickers. I lost some. Now I have 5. How many did I lose?
14 - ☐ = 5 ☐ + 5 = 14 = ☐

49 I have 13 squares and 9 triangles. How many more squares do I have?
9 = ☐ 9 + ☐ = 13

50 I’m thinking of a shape. It has 2 fewer sides than a pentagon
I’m thinking of a shape. It has 2 fewer sides than a pentagon. What shape am I? 5 2 5 - 2 = ☐ 2 + ☐ = 5 ©Bill Atwood 2018

51 I want to save up to 15 dollars. I have 2 dollars
I want to save up to 15 dollars. I have 2 dollars. How much more do I have to go? 15 2 = ☐ 2 + ☐ = 15 ©Bill Atwood 2018

52 How much larger is $14 than $6?
6 + ☐ = 14 = ☐ ©Bill Atwood 2018

53 Other ways to draw the bar… One rectangle with a box on top.
©Bill Atwood 2018

54 Bob has come coins. He has 4 pennies and 5 nickels
Bob has come coins. He has 4 pennies and 5 nickels. How many coins does he have? 4 + 5 = ☐ 5 4 ©Bill Atwood 2018

55 Mary has a sticker collection
Mary has a sticker collection. She has 9 stars, 4 dinosaurs, and 6 hearts. How many stickers does she have? = ☐ 4 9 6 ©Bill Atwood 2018

56 Mary has 8 crayons. Some are blue and some are red
Mary has 8 crayons. Some are blue and some are red. How many of each could she have? ☐ + ? = 8 8 ☐ blue ☐ red ©Bill Atwood 2018

57 Mary has 8 crayons. Some are blue and some are red
Mary has 8 crayons. Some are blue and some are red. She has the same number of each color. How many of each does she have? ☐ + ☐ = 8 8 ☐ blue ☐ red ©Bill Atwood 2018

58 Mary has 10 crayons. Some are blue and some are red
Mary has 10 crayons. Some are blue and some are red. She has the same number of each color. How many of each does she have? ☐ + ☐ = 10 Total in all =10 ? blue ? red ©Bill Atwood 2018

59 Mary has 11 crayons. Some are blue and some are red
Mary has 11 crayons. Some are blue and some are red. There is one more blue than red. How many of each does she have? ☐ + ? = 11 Total in all =11 ☐ blue ? red ©Bill Atwood 2018

60 Mary has 7 crayons. Some are blue and some are red
Mary has 7 crayons. Some are blue and some are red. One more blue than red. How many of each does she have? ☐ + ? = 7 Total in all = 7 4 blue 3 red ©Bill Atwood 2018

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