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Fun with Earth!.

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Presentation on theme: "Fun with Earth!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fun with Earth!

2 This projection is distorted at the poles. Mercator

3 A globe is more accurate

4 Many other projections

5 meteor; mass extinction of 75% of Earth’s plants and animals
Peninsulas Yucatan Dinosaur – ending meteor; mass extinction of 75% of Earth’s plants and animals

6 Peninsulas Scandinavian Iberian Apennine Anatolian

7 Peninsulas Jutland Denmark Balkan

8 Peninsulas Mexico Jutland Italy Iberian Greece Anatolian Scandinavian
Spain and Portugal Norway, Sweden, Finland Apennine Denmark Balkan Greece Yucatan

9 Straights and Canals The Dardenelles Gibraltar Black Sea
Mediterranean Sea Turkey Spain The Dardenelles Morocco Gibraltar

10 Russia Bering straight (land bridge) Bering Sea

11 Panama Canal (1904 – 1914) Straight of Magellan Tierra del Fuego
Island Group


13 Straight of Hormuz oil shipping Persia Persian Gulf

14 Suez Canal (1869)

15 Straights and Canals Between Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea
Bering Straight Between Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea The Dardenelles Between Russia and Alaska Straight of Gibraltar Between Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean Straight of Hormuz Between South America and Tierra del Fuego Straight of Magellan Between Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf Panama Canal Between Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea Suez Canal

16 Straights and Canals Between Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea Suez Canal
Between Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea Straight of Gibraltar Between Russia and Alaska Bering Straight Panama Canal Between Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean Between South America and Tierra del Fuego Straight of Magellan Straight of Hormuz Between Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf Between Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea The Dardenelles

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