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Internet-based monitoring and control of embedded systems

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1 Internet-based monitoring and control of embedded systems
PROGRESS PROJECT EES.5413 4th meeting Johan Lukkien 11/20/2018 4th meeting of project EES.5413

2 4th meeting of project EES.5413
Agenda Opening Agenda Announcements Previous meeting Current state Overview Presentations Yarema Mazuryk Thang Tran Manh Jinfeng Huang Perspective, project goals Utilization Peter Peters User group Next meeting Closing 11/20/2018 4th meeting of project EES.5413

3 4th meeting of project EES.5413
Organizational Yarema Mazuryk started last September Website complete Waiting for response on the continuation request filed in September 11/20/2018 4th meeting of project EES.5413

4 4th meeting of project EES.5413
General view Evolution of networked embedded systems network unaware embedded hardware inaccessible network aware simple, proprietary connection to outside world network connected network is add-on, remote access, standards network central network(s) gets into the system design fully networked network connectivity essential for core functionality (single device rather useless) 11/20/2018 4th meeting of project EES.5413

5 Evolution of embedded networking
network central network central network aware network aware time standalone standalone network connected network connected fully networked fully networked 11/20/2018 4th meeting of project EES.5413

6 Service oriented architectures
Context: network central devices make internal capabilities available as services host new components / applications cooperate to establish ‘platform’-services to distributed applications e.g. resource use Software representation service oriented architectures 11/20/2018 4th meeting of project EES.5413

7 4th meeting of project EES.5413
Activities Progress workshop posters, article workshop ‘domestic appliances’ most relevant topics indicated: gateway technology, embedded intelligence, unified description language Study of related work, methods language specify services (middleware independent...) specify goals/user preferences/target behavior semantics (temporal aspects) - initial paper ‘event-condition-action’ – systems needs to be summarized 11/20/2018 4th meeting of project EES.5413

8 4th meeting of project EES.5413
Activities Correctness (real-time) preserving synthesis Jinfeng: conference visits and presentations experimentation environment: railway system Scenario development to learn boundary conditions privacy, security, transparent control, autonomy obtain feedback Overview of SOA paper in preparation Contacting interested partners Philips CFT, DSI/networked storage CANDELA project Betronics, PTS 11/20/2018 4th meeting of project EES.5413

9 4th meeting of project EES.5413
Research agenda Sketch ‘optimal’ SOA, perhaps develop include connection to existing standards use work done in last year(s) include negotiating efficient protocols Build several applications from simple services use the scenario as a vehicle develop (scripting) language support Real-time services require OS-level cooperations extend to OS-level services cooperation with project QoS in IHDN 11/20/2018 4th meeting of project EES.5413

10 4th meeting of project EES.5413
Perspective Jinfeng goes writing his thesis Realizing the scenario Thang proceeds with the language prototype implementation architecture simulation, for user feedback Yarema works on the SOA 11/20/2018 4th meeting of project EES.5413

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