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Defensive Employment Practices Associated with Reductions In Force

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1 Defensive Employment Practices Associated with Reductions In Force
Illinois Municipal League MUNICIPAL ATTORNEYS SEMINAR March 19, 2010 Stephen W. Heil Cray Huber Horstman Heil & VanAusdal LLC Chicago, Illinois

Planning and implementing the Reductions in Force (“RIF”) Selection criteria Disparate impact Providing notice Severance pay issues Releases Compliance with employee benefits laws

Put yourself in the employee’s place Treat employees as you would like to be treated Communicate honestly and directly before, during and after RIF Assistance for employees Ease transition – immediate and future Why do these things?

4 RIF PLAN Municipalities - unlike private sector - generally not free to simply restructure work forces “at will.” Especially if employees are “protective service” (fire or police) or the employees are union affiliated. Can’t reduce force due to political reasons, i.e., retaliation for campaigning for opposing party. Fire or police – can reduce force due to economic reasons but seniority prevails on reinstatement of positions. Timetable Assign responsibilities Implement carefully, but promptly Review all legal obligations Contracts Policies and procedures Applicable laws, i.e., Civil Service Act of IL, Municipal Code, IL Public Labor Relations Act, Fire & Police Commissioners Act, etc.

Exit incentives Key employee incentives Golden parachute Stay bonus SELECTION CRITERIA Any written obligations or guidelines Who decides criteria Independent review by HR of selections

6 DISPARATE IMPACT Does selection criteria and/or implementation adversely impact protected classifications? Snapshot: pre-RIF employee makeup vs. RIFd employees vs. post-RIF employee makeup Disproportionate Impacts on protected classes (racial, gender, handicap, etc.) need to be avoided even if the reason for the reduction was “facially neutral” Alternatives To RIF? (Transferring and retraining) Replacements for RIF-Issues to keep in mind: who will do their work limits on replacements – state laws re: police/fire

7 UNION ISSUES C.B.A. requirements
Duty to bargain – mandatory if the matter concerns wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment under the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act. Bargaining over decision v. effects of the decision to reduce force

8 NOTICE Employers covered
Federal Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (“WARN”) - Applicable to Municipalities Employer must provide 60 days advance notice of a mass layoff or plant closing Employers covered Employers with 100 or more “full-time” employees Or 100 or more employees who, in the aggregate, work at least 4,000 hours of straight time a week IL WARN Law: Inapplicable to federal/state government or any political subdivisions, including any unit of local government or any school district.

9 SEVERENCE PAY Exiting plan Voluntary ERISA? Mandatory v. discretionary
Transfers Release

10 SEPARATION AGREEMENT Date of termination What will be given and when
Continuation of any existing obligations Recall/reemployment rights

11 RELEASE Older Workers Benefits Protection Act (“OWBPA”) Group Release
Knowing and voluntary Easily understood Consideration Release of specific rights ADEA Present, not future rights Advise to consult with attorney prior to signing At least 21 days to consider signing Seven (7) days to revoke Group Release Provide group information and allow at least 45 days to consider signing – employer must provide ages of both terminated and retained employees to those considering a release of their ADA claims

12 Defensive Employment Practices Associated with Reductions In Force
Stephen W. Heil Ronald L. Wisniewski Cray Huber Horstman Heil & VanAusdal LLC 303 West Madison, Suite 2200 Chicago, Illinois (312)

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