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Precision Measurements of Very-Short Lived Nuclei

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1 Precision Measurements of Very-Short Lived Nuclei
MATS Precision Measurements of Very-Short Lived Nuclei Using an Advances Trapping System for Highly-Charged Ions Preparation Penning trap Mass Analyzer Precision Time-of-flight detector c Q TOF EBIT RFQ n Ion production FRS Low Energy Branch Beam bunching Charge breeding q / A - selection Cooling process Mass measurement Detection

2 trap assisted nuclear spectroscopy
MATS – Ion Trapping: effective use of rare species extended observation & interaction time high quality q/m selection manipulation of charged particles at low E accumulation & bunching charge breeding polarization EFFICIENCY ACCURACY SENSITIVITY Mass measurements and trap assisted nuclear spectroscopy

3 Setup Typical ion parameters out of gas-filled RFQ’s
Detectors: FT-ICR TOF-ICR Si(Li) electron 3.0m Precision trap: mass measure- ments Cooler trap: beam preparation spectroscopy Magn. deflector: q/m separation 3.0m Typical ion parameters out of gas-filled RFQ’s transversal emittance < 10 Pi mm 3 keV longitudinal emittance < 4 ms eV Buffergas: He (hard to cool everything below A = 10) cooling time constant (bunch forming time): 1 ms What is the emittance longitudinal/transversal? What are the vacuum requirements? Magnetic M/q Separation to select a single charge state required resolving power R ~ 300 Is electron cooling working at these conditions? Do we want a separate magnet for this? Might we even be able to cool already in the EBIT? EBIT: charge breeding

4 MATS – Experiments with Exotic Nuclei
Detectors: FT-ICR TOF-ICR Si(Li) electron T1/2 ... Mass 3.0m Precision trap: mass measure- ments Laser Spectroscopy Cooler trap: beam preparation & spectroscopy Magn. deflector: q/m separation 3.0m Typical ion parameters out of gas-filled RFQ’s transversal emittance < 10 Pi mm 3 keV longitudinal emittance < 4 ms eV Buffergas: He (hard to cool everything below A = 10) cooling time constant (bunch forming time): 1 ms What is the emittance longitudinal/transversal? What are the vacuum requirements? Magnetic M/q Separation to select a single charge state required resolving power R ~ 300 Is electron cooling working at these conditions? Do we want a separate magnet for this? Might we even be able to cool already in the EBIT? EBIT: charge breeding X- ray Spectroscopy In-Trap Spectroscopy

5 MATS will be an advanced trapping system for mass spectrometry, laser
Summary Preparation Precision RFQ EBIT Mass Analyzer Penning trap Penning trap Design parameters: Overall efficiency 1-5% Maximum resolving power 108 Accessable half-life 10 ms Relative mass uncertainty 10-9 Organisation and responsibilities Mainz, Greifswald, Jyväskylä, Stockholm: Penning trap system GSI, Munich, Huelva: RFQ cooler and buncher Heidelberg, GSI, Livermore, Seattle: EBIT Giessen, Mainz, Orsay: Detection system and electronics Mainz, Munich: Trap assisted spectroscopy MOU prepared – to be signed Simulations ongoing MATS will be an advanced trapping system for mass spectrometry, laser spectroscopy, and in-trap decay spectroscopy with highly-charged, short-lived ions.

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