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The Renaissance and Reformation ( )

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1 The Renaissance and Reformation (1350-1600)

2 I. Renaissance- a rebirth of learning and cultural and technological achievement modeled after Greece/ Rome

3 A. Study of the humanities- people studied art, literature, history, poetry
People believed that a person should be educated and develop their talents

4 Renaissance Italy

5 Florence

6 Santa Maria del Fiore


8 Venice

9 Milan

10 Rome (St. Peter’s)

11 View From St. Peter’s

12 Trevi Fountain

13 B. Introduction of Printing- in 1455 Johann Gutenberg built first printing press, books now made quickly Gutenberg’s Bible

14 Gutenberg’s Printing Press

15 1. Niccolo Machiavelli wrote The Prince (1513)-ruler must be ruthless to keep power, influenced governments “No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the enemy until it is ripe for execution.”

16 Niccolo Machiavelli ?

17 C. Art & Literature- artists wished to recapture realism of classical (Greek/ Roman) artists

18 1. Leonardo da Vinci- Italian artist, painted Mona Lisa, studied human body, recorded inventions in notebooks

19 Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa

20 Da Vinci’s The Last Supper




24 2. Michelangelo- Italian painter/sculptor, 1508-12 painted ceiling of Sistine Chapel in the Vatican

25 Sistine Chapel


27 Michelangelo’s Pieta

28 Michelangelo’s David David






34 3. William Shakespeare- (1564-1616)- English writer, considered greatest playwright of all time

35 William Shakespeare

36 Shakespeare’s Home

37 Globe Theater

38 D. Effects- Renaissance inspired human achievement, reinforced need for education

39 II. The Reformation- by the 1500’s many believed the Roman Catholic Church needed reform

40 A. Church too interested in money and material possessions
Church began selling indulgences- priest forgave sin if person paid extra to the Church

41 Indulgences

42 Vatican (Pope’s residence)

43 B. In 1517 Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses attacking indulgences and promoting various reforms

44 Luther & the 95 Theses

45 1. Luther excommunicated in 1521, many agree with Luther and become Protestants

46 Martin Luther quotes…. “The Lord commonly gives riches to foolish people, to whom he gives nothing else.” “Blood alone moves the wheels of history.” “Here I stand; I can do no other. God help me. Amen!”

47 Wartburg castle Luther translated the Bible into German

48 2. By 1546, ½ of the Holy Roman Empire became Protestant, new Protestant groups form

49 3. Followers of Luther become Lutherans
C. Catholic Church uses Counter Reformation to reform the Church, re-take/defend Catholic areas

50 1. Peace of Augsburg (1555) allowed individuals kings/lords to decide religion of their land

51 D. Another reformer, John Calvin
began a strict Protestant group- Calvinists (later broke into Puritans/Presbyterians)

52 John Calvin “Man with all his cleverness is as stupid about understanding the mysteries of God, as a donkey is incapable of understanding musical harmony”

53 “I, Henry VIII, as King of England, have no superior but God."
E. King Henry VIII of England wanted the pope to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon, but the pope refused “I, Henry VIII, as King of England, have no superior but God."

54 Henry VIII & Catherine

55 1. Henry divorced anyway and married Anne

56 Henry took over the Catholic Church in England, re-named it the Anglican Church, under his authority

57 3. Queen Elizabeth (Anne’s daughter), powerful ruler, established England as a Protestant (Anglican) nation

58 Queen Elizabeth quotes….
“I have already joined myself in marriage to a husband--the kingdom of England.” “You may have many a wiser monarch sitting in this seat, but you never have had, or shall have, any who loves you better.”

59 F. Effects of the Reformation- by 1600, Christianity in Europe firmly divided between: Protestant (Lutherans, Anglicans, Calvinists), Roman Catholic, & Eastern Orthodox

60 Divisions of Christianity
Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox (1054) Protestants (1500’s) Lutheran Anglican Calvinist

61 Religion In Europe (1600)

62 1. Authority of the Pope & Catholic Church reduced
2. Education throughout Europe increases as religious groups build schools/universities

63 Notre Dame (Catholic) Harvard University (Puritan)

64 On a half-sheet write your name, and complete 1, 2, & 3 below:
How did the Renaissance change Europe? How did the Reformation change Europe? Write a question about something interesting or confusing about 3.1

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