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Summer Institute Session Team Leaders Check-In

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1 Summer Institute Session Team Leaders Check-In
Re Mute Your Computer!!! Summer Institute Session Team Leaders Check-In February 27th, 2013

2 Webinar Protocol PLEASE MUTE —your computer and we will move you to panelist so you can talk Eliminate background noise as much as possible. Be sure you are signed in with your name. Send messages through the chat window to all as needed; we may not monitor the questions bar.

3 Thank You!

4 Team Leader Group Norms What should we add to this list?
We’re all in this boat together, so lets agree to… Participate Collaborate Expect to be supported Ask for what we need If we start sinking, and we need some help, we’ll be clear about whether we need a bucket or a boat.

5 Meeting Outcomes By the end of this session, participants will…
Understand progress of other teams (from Google Doc) Receive additional information regarding expectations of the teams, and team leaders Understand the alternating structure for these leader meetings

6 Mission, Vision and Goals of Summer Institute 2013
This year’s Summer Institute will build on the knowledge and skills learned from previous Institutes with a focus on building district- and school-level leadership capacity to improve teacher practice and student outcomes. To accomplish this, the collective agency will provide a hands-on, highly engaging, two-day professional development experience that supports the transition to the new NC Standard Course of Study, the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System (NCEES), the State Accountability System, with an emphasis on Data Literacy. NCDPI will also feature an introduction to Home Base, NC’s statewide instructional improvement (IIS) and student information system (SIS) for teachers, students, parents, and administrators. VISION NCDPI will collaborate with district and school leaders through cross-agency design teams to facilitate group discussions, model best practices and intentionally make connections to each of the state initiatives utilizing technology and collaborative processes. GOALS Facilitate collaboration and district planning between LEAs/Charter Schools to ensure statewide success Build interdependence among the LEAs and Schools within a region and across the state Model the alignment and interconnectedness of the collective work of the agency so districts can make the same connections locally DRAFT

7 Locations EAST WEST July 8-9 Region 2 Greenville Convention Center
DATE REGION LOCATION July 8-9 Region 2 Greenville Convention Center Greenville Region 6 Hilton Charlotte University Hotel Charlotte July 10-11 Region 1 Region 8 July 15-16 Region 4 Sheraton Imperial Convention Center Durham Region 5 Koury Convention Center Greensboro July 17-18 Region 3 Region 7


9 Curriculum Sessions

10 Topic Based These need a title that starts with a verb

11 District Time Together

12 Schedule

13 Session Planning What is important for participants to know and be able to do? How will you engage them in the learning? Craft a brief description of the session. What materials and resources will you need? What roles will your team members play?

14 Progress to date

15 Progress to date

16 Progress to date

17 Expectations Continued
Update your SI2013planning wiki page Determine what materials and supplies you will need (order form coming VERY soon) Support your colleagues Ask for help if you need it Let us know what you need to proceed Robert, Cynthia, Michael, Kim

18 On Your Wiki Page Identify your team members
Post a description of your session Title Goals Outcomes Post your meeting schedule Identify your East and West teams Post materials that will help your teams be productive

19 PPT Template (Posted on the Planning Wiki)
3 hour 90 Minute

20 Session Planning What is important for participants to know and be able to do? How will you engage them in the learning? Craft a brief description of the session. What materials and resources will you need? What roles will your team members play?

21 Design Studio Sessions (3 Hours)
Sessions showcase broad initiatives Participants Pre-Loaded for focused work Inform with the wiki Flip Activities Participants reflect and collaborate within and across LEAs/Charters Participants engage in active learning focused on the topic Read Write Listen Speak Participants plan and strategize for carrying information back to the LEA/Charter Participants provide feedback on the session

22 Remodeling Sessions (90 Minutes)
Sessions dive deep into focused content Participants Pre-Loaded for focused work Inform with the wiki Flip Activities Participants reflect and collaborate within and across LEAs/Charters Participants engage in active learning focused on the topic Read Write Listen Speak Participants plan and strategize for carrying information back to the LEA/Charter Participants provide feedback on the session

23 Expectations Continue to meet (communicate regularly) with your teams to develop your sessions Build sessions that are engaging and interactive Highlight where appropriate: Home Base Standards 1-6 PLC Questions (DuFour ) Universal Design for Learning Determine who will deploy your session in the east and the west

24 Important Timeline Events
Mar. 8-15: 1st round supply request and necessary materials due (to Kristin) Week of Mar : Webinar Series for LEA Teams (prior to registration) Apr. 8-12: Content for Sessions complete Apr. 15-May 3: Session Review (Vetting) Apr. 15: LEA Pre-work due Apr. 22: Pre-work posted to wiki By Vetting Sessions: Submit final list of trainers By Apr. 30: Design Teams sharing meeting (whole group) By May 10: Submit final supply request list for ordering Week of June 28: Trainers Workshop, Dress Rehearsal By June 30: Dates for follow-up PD ready for each RESA Director

25 Team Check In Structure
Open Meeting Q&A Might look like… Office Hours Go To meeting Google Form Data Collection Open for planning

26 Assumptions You (and/or members of your teams) are the expert in the content you are designing You know what you need to move this work forward You will lead your team to accomplish the work You will take advantage of the support provided You will advocate for what you need to be successful

27 Where Stuff will Live Link to NCDPI Summer Institutes 2013 Page: nstitutes// Link to Summer Institutes 2013 Wikispaces (for LEA Teams): Link to Summer Institutes 2013 Wikispaces (for Design Teams/DPI only): Check out other team pages to see how they are posting things

28 Join the Wiki Go to:
Request Membership Ask your team members to do the same

29 Let us know what you need
Task Team Leads Robert Sox Cynthia Martin Michael Hickman Kim Simmons

30 Questions??

31 Thank You!!! Have a GREAT week!!

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