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Physical address Logical address Bootload

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Presentation on theme: "Physical address Logical address Bootload"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical address Logical address Bootload
HF - EN Special features Physical address Logical address Bootload J.-D. Chatelain

2 Click on one item

3 Address Manager: Setting a physical address

4 Setting a physical address
Address Manager: Setting a physical address Click on « OK » as soon as it is done Choose the physical address by rotating the potentiometer 3. Click on « Set » when the new address is fixed

5 Setting a logical address
Address Manager: Setting a logical address Click on « OK » as soon as it is done Check the button « Logical address » Set the new logical address Click on « Set » when it is done

6 Click on one item


8 1. Turn the potentiometer to position diamond
3. Click on « Hex file select » 4. Select the HEX file 5. Click on « Program » to start the bootload 6. Click on « Exit » when the bootload is finished 7. Don’t forget to rotate the potentiometer to its initial position 2. Click on « OK » when it is done 8. Click on « Set configuration »

9 Click on one item

10 Physical address Logical address Bootload
HF - EN Special features End of this chapter Physical address Logical address Bootload J.-D. Chatelain

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