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Revolution and Nationalism, 1900–1939
Political upheavals lead to the formation of a totalitarian state in Russia, civil war in China, and limited self-rule in India. Poster from the Bolshevik Revolution, celebrating the Red Navy. 1
Revolutions in Russia Czars Resist Change End to Reform
SECTION 1 Revolutions in Russia Czars Resist Change End to Reform • In 1881, Alexander III becomes czar, ends reforms • Institutes autocratic rule, suppressing all _______________________ & _______________________________ Czars Continue Autocratic Rule • Government ______________________ written criticism; secret police monitor ________________________ Why? • Non-Russians living in Russia are treated harshly (________________ & _____________________); Russian becomes the official language • __________________________ become target of government-backed pogroms (mob violence) • In 1894, Nicholas II becomes czar, continues _____________________ ways
Russia Industrializes
SECTION 1 Russia Industrializes Rapid Industrialization • Number of factories _________________ between 1863 and 1900; Russia still lags behind ______________________________________ • In late 1800s, new plan boosts _____________________________ production Trans-Siberian railway begins – connects European Russia with Russian ports on the ____________________________________ The Revolutionary Movement Grows • _______________________ breeds discontent over poor working conditions, low wages, child labor and the outlawing of unions • Growing popularity of the Marxist idea that the proletariat (____________________________) will rule the country _________________________________ – moderate Marxists who favor revolution by a broad base of popular support • _________________________________ — Marxists who favor revolution by a small committed group willing to sacrifice everything • ___________ — Bolshevik leader — an excellent organizer & inspiring leader
Vladimir Lenin
Crises at Home and Abroad
SECTION 1 Crises at Home and Abroad The Russo-Japanese War • Defeat in Russo-Japanese War of early the 1900’s causes _______________________ in Russia Bloody Sunday: The Revolution of 1905 • In 1905, _____________________ workers march on czar’s palace in St. Petersburg to demand reforms – better working conditions, more personal freedom, an elected national legislature • Army fires into the crowd, killing _____________ civilians • Massacre leads to widespread unrest; Nicholas is forced to make ________________________ • The Duma, Russia’s first parliament, meets in 1906 • Czar unwilling to share power; dissolves Duma after only ____________________ weeks
“Bloody Sunday” massacre in St. Petersburg (1905)
World War I: The Final Blow
SECTION 1 continued Crises at Home and Abroad World War I: The Final Blow • Heavy losses in World War I reveal government’s __________________ • Nicholas goes to war front; Czarina Alexandra runs government • Czarina falls under the influence of Rasputin — mysterious “______________________________” • Nobles fear Rasputin’s influence, murder him • The ____________ was losing effectiveness; mutinies, ignoring orders, etc… People at home hungry and unhappy due to rapid inflation and a lack of food and fuel
The March Revolution First Steps
SECTION 1 The March Revolution First Steps • In February 1917, strikes by female textile workers expand; at first soldiers fired on protestors Later they refuse to fire on workers and ______________________________ The Czar Steps Down • February/March Revolution — protests become uprising; Nicholas abdicates the throne; he and his family are ___________________________________ one year later • Duma establishes provisional, or temporary, government, headed by Alexander Kerensky (_____________________________________) • ____________________________ — committees of Socialist revolutionaries (workers, peasants, and soldiers) — control many cities Lenin Returns to Russia • In April 1917, Germans aid _________________________ in returning from exile to Russia
Protesters Being Shot by Russian Troops in Petrograd (1917)
The Bolshevik Revolution
SECTION 1 The Bolshevik Revolution The Provisional Government Topples • “______________________________________________” = Lenin’s slogan In November 1917, workers (called the _____________________________________________) take control of the government – Kerensky is ousted Bolsheviks in Power • Lenin gives _________________ to peasants, puts workers in control of _______________________ • ____________________________ sign Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany Russia is out of World War I, but surrendered a large part of its ______________________ which, coupled with the execution of the ______________________________, angered many Russians
Cartoon depicting Lenin sweeping away kings, capitalists, and priests
V. I. Lenin delivering a speech in Moscow (1918).
Civil War Rages in Russia
SECTION 1 continued The Bolshevik Revolution Civil War Rages in Russia • Civil War between Bolsheviks’ _____________________ and the loosely allied ________________________ • _____________ and other Western nations sent assistance to the White Army Red Army, led by ______________________________, wins three-year war _________ million dead from famine, fighting, and the flu Bolsheviks are now firmly in power Comparing / Contrasting World Revolutions • Russian & ____________________ Revolutions different – __________________________________ built on existing ideas to form a constitutional gov’t Russian & _________________ Revolutions similar — both attempt to destroy existing social and political structures and remake society
Allied Intervention in Russian Civil War
Above: American Soldiers Parade in Vladivostok Left: Poster pleading Americans to buy war bonds to support intervention in Russia
Lenin Restores Order New Economic Policy
SECTION 1 Lenin Restores Order New Economic Policy • In March 1921, Lenin launches New Economic Policy (NEP) NEP = small-scale capitalism – allows peasants to sell their surplus crops, allows some private ownership of small _______________________________ Lenin views the ____________________ as the key to success in the revolution • NEP and peace restore the economy that was shattered by WWI & revolution • By 1928, Russia’s farms, factories are producing at pre-WWI levels Political Reforms • Lenin creates self-governing ________________ under the national government • In 1922, country renamed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) Communist Party — new name taken by Bolsheviks from the writings of _____________ • New constitution based on socialist and democratic principles – in reality the Communist Party held all power = dictatorship
Stalin Becomes Dictator
SECTION 1 Stalin Becomes Dictator A New Leader • ___________________ and Stalin compete to replace Lenin when he dies • ____________________________ — cold, hard, and impersonal – Communist Party general secretary in 1922 • ___________________ gains power from 1922 to 1927 because of his political ties and daily operating power • ______________ dies in 1924, but criticized both men openly before his death • ____________________ gains complete control in 1928 ____________________ forced into exile and is assassinated in Mexico in 1940 on Stalin’s orders
Joseph Stalin in 1950.
Totalitarianism - CASE STUDY: Stalinist Russia
SECTION 2 Totalitarianism - CASE STUDY: Stalinist Russia A Government of Total Control Totalitarianism, Centralized State Control • Totalitarianism — government that dominates every aspect of life Challenges the values of reason, freedom, human dignity and the worth of the individual • Totalitarian leaders are often ________________ & ________________ Police Terror • ____________________ uses police to spy on and intimidate people Use terror and violence to force obedience and crush ___________________ No one is free from suspicion or accusations of being an enemy of the state
• Instruction in the __________________________ beliefs
SECTION 2 continued A Government of Total Control Indoctrination • Instruction in the __________________________ beliefs Government shapes people’s minds through ___________________ education Begins with ____________, wants to create unconditional loyalty and support Propaganda and Censorship • Government controls all ______________________, crushes opposing views ______________ are surrounded with false information that appears to be true Religious or Ethnic Persecution • Leaders brand religious and ethnic minorities as “_________________________________” They are forced to live in restricted areas and/or follow laws that apply only to them
Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State
SECTION 2 Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State Police State • Stalin’s used the secret police, tanks, and armored vehicles to stop __________________________ Gov’t spied on the public with informers, reading mail, and even used children • ___________________ — terror campaign against Stalin’s perceived enemies • By the end of 1938, Stalin is in complete control; ___________ million killed Russian Propaganda and Censorship • Government controls newspapers, radio, movies • __________________ censored and controlled; work had to glorify the Communist Party “Literature, the cinema, the arts are levers in the hands of the proletariat which must be used to show the masses positive models of initiative and heroic labor.” – excerpt from an editorial in Pravda, the Communist Party newspaper
Friendship of the People (1924), a painting by Soviet artist Stepan Karpov.
Education and Indoctrination
SECTION 2 continued Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State Education and Indoctrination • Government controls all education, from early grades to college • Children learn the virtues of the ______________________________ • ____________________ & __________________ who challenge the Party’s interpretation of history and science are punished Party leaders stressed the importance of _______________________ & ______________________ to build the Communist state Religious Persecution • Stalin used propaganda to attack religion and show religious beliefs as mere _________________________ League of the Militant Godless = state sponsored _____________________ group Government attacks Russian _______________________ Church • Magnificent churches, synagogues destroyed; religious leaders killed • People lose all personal ________________ & ________________ in favor of the power of the state
Stalin Seizes Control of the Economy
SECTION 2 Stalin Seizes Control of the Economy New Economic System • ____________________________ — government makes all economic decisions, political leaders identify the countries economic needs and determines how to fulfill them An Industrial Revolution • ______________________ — Stalin’s plans for developing the economy; set unrealistically high goals for the output of steel, coal, oil, end electricity • Result: large growth in ___________________ power; shortage of _________________ goods = lack of housing, food, clothing, and other necessities
Stalin Seizes Control of the Economy
SECTION 2 Stalin Seizes Control of the Economy An Agricultural Revolution • In 1928, government creates collective farms — large, state- owned farms – ______________________________ • Wealthy peasants, ______________, resist this change; kill livestock & destroy crops _______________ million die in crackdown • By 1938, agricultural production rising, _______% of all peasants lived on collective farms
Daily Life Under Stalin
SECTION 2 Daily Life Under Stalin Gains at Great Cost • ________________ = People better educated & gain new skills • ________________ = Limited personal freedoms; few consumer goods; dissent prohibited Women Gain Rights • Communists say women are equal to men • Women ________________ to join labor force; state provides child care Men still held the best jobs • Many women receive ________________ educations, become professionals – engineering, science, and medicine • Women ________________ from demands of work & family NEXT
Total Control Achieved
SECTION 2 Total Control Achieved Powerful Ruler • By mid- ______________, Stalin has transformed Soviet Union - totalitarian regime; industrial, political power • Stalin controls all aspects of Soviet life: - ________________________ as dictator & Communist Party leader - rules by _______________ instead of constitutional government - ___________________ conformity & obedience
Members of the Soviet Communist youth group (1946).
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