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Classroom Procedures 8th Grade Vocabulary for Achievement

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1 2016-2017 Classroom Procedures 8th Grade Vocabulary for Achievement

2 Expectations Best practice has shown that effective vocabulary instruction is a balance of introduction to words, independent practice, and regular checks/assessments for acquisition.  The amount of instructional time allotted for vocabulary should be limited to fit within any segment of the class period.  Independent practice activities should be assigned to students as homework.   Sample Vocabulary Schedule 1. Introduction to words 2. Oral and/or Written Review of Words 3. Vocab Practice Activities- Varies, includes homework review 4. Assessment Day – Assessment – May be paper/pencil or online

3 What Does a Week in Vocab Look Like?
Monday- Complete Vocabulary Chart- word, guess, define. Homework assigned each Monday and due on Thursday. Thursday-Varied activities Friday- Assessment- may be paper/pencil or online. Homework Homework assigned each Monday and due on Thursday. We will complete Write the Correct Word, Complete the Sentence, Reading Comprehension, and Find the Example We will not complete Write the Derivative and Writing Extended Responses

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