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Geometry Triangle Proof Vocabulary Practice

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1 Geometry Triangle Proof Vocabulary Practice
For #1-6, provide a conclusion and a reason for the given information. If nothing given, label something that doesn’t have to be given, and then do the problem. G H L R Y W J M N T V Given:△GHJ ≊ △NML Conclusion: Conclusion: Reason: Reason: A G C E J H B Given: AH || GB Conclusion: Reason: I U Given: CU bisects IE Conclusion: T F Reason: M P Q L K J N Conclusion: Given: K is the midpoint Reason: of LJ Conclusion:

2 Geometry Triangle Proof Vocabulary Practice
For #1-6, provide a conclusion and a reason for the given information. If nothing given, label something that doesn’t have to be given, and then do the problem A X B V C D T S U Given: ABCD is a parallelogram Given: △TVS ≊ △UXS Conclusion: Conclusion: Reason: Reason: A R S G T D W X C Given: T is the midpoint of WS Conclusion: Given: AD bisects CG Reason: Reason: I J Y Z M B F K L Conclusion: Conclusion: Reason: Reason:

3 Triangle Proof Vocabulary
Term What it gives us Example 1. Midpoint two congruent segments C (sides) D E F Given: E is the midpoint of DF. Conclusion: DE≊ EF Reason: Definition of midpoint 2. Reflexive Property two congruent sides W X (can be presumed from picture if present) Y Z Conclusion: WZ≊ ZW Reason: Reflexive Property 3. Vertical Angles two congruent angles R T (can be presumed S U V Conclusion: <RSU ≊ <TSV Reason: Vertical Angles Segment Bisector two congruent segment A B (sides) C D E Given: AE bisects DB Conclusion: DC ≊ CB Reason: Definition of segment bisector

4 Triangle Proof Vocabulary
Term What it gives us Example 5. Parallelogram two congruent segments or angles C D (opposite sides) or (opposite angles) F E Given: CDEF is a parallelogram Conclusion: CD≊ FE or <C ≊ <E Reason: opposite sides(or angles) are ≊ 6. Parallel Lines two congruent angles W X (usually alternate interior or corresponding) Y Z Given: WX || YZ Conclusion: <XWZ ≊ <YZW Reason: Alternate Interior Angles Corresponding Parts of Congruent congruent sides Triangles are Congruent(CPCTC) or R T (triangles must be congruent first) congruent angles S U V Given(or proven already): △RSU ≊ △VST Conclusion: RU ≊ TV or <RUS ≊ <VTS Reason: CPCTC

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