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2 CLASS RULES – STEM FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS IN THE CLASS – everyone has the right to learn in a safe and instructive environment. RESPECT – you are an important and integral part of the classroom. You are preparing to change the world. WORK HARD and NEVER QUIT!!! Set goals and do the work it takes to see them through… you are responsible for your learning. SOLVE PROBLEMS – don’t make them. LEARN SOMETHING NEW EVERYDAY! Knowledge has the power to change your life.

3 Classroom Environment
Learning Environment Use appropriate body language and follow voice levels within the lesson. Ready Make sure you are prepared to learn – you will not be going back to your locker. (Folder, Pen, Pencil, etc) Attendance Come to class on time. ENCORE EXPECTATIONS Classroom Conduct Enter, participate and exit the classroom in an orderly fashion. Classroom Environment Keep the classroom clean, return all items to their respective places, and respect the property of the class.

4 DAILY AGENDA – STEM Bellringer – start the bellringer; voice level 0 (no talking) - helps you focus in class; better score. Use this time to sharpen pencils; get all your materials prepped for my class. BELLRINGER (5 minutes) – some answers you might know, some you might not – answers will be posted on the board after we go over what you know. Class Activity – working in teams to complete your class activity; positive interpersonal skills. Materials – use all materials with respect; work area is clean; push your chair in before you leave. If you hurt yourself, let me know ASAP!

5 Do you have these 10 skills?
EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS are defined as the transferable skills needed by individuals for employment. Along with technical understanding and subject knowledge, employers are often looking for a set of skills they want from an employee. These 10 skills are what they believe will equip the employee to carry out their role to the best of their ability. Employability depends on your knowledge, skills, and attitudes, how you use those assets and how you present them to employees. These skills are developed in the middle school years. Do you have these 10 skills?

6 Middle School Student Skill
Skills What Does it Mean? Middle School Student Skill Communication and Interpersonal Skills The ability to explain in a clear and concise way through written and spoken methods; to listen and relate to other people key information/ instructions. Examples of how and when you learn this skill…. Problem Solving The ability to understand a problem by breaking it down into smaller parts, identifying the key issues, and implications and identifying solutions; to apply your knowledge to solve a task. Self-Motivation Having new ideas of you; showing a strong personal drive and taking initiative to bring new ideas to the table. Meeting Deadlines Handling the stress and pressures that come with meeting deadlines and attending events. Organizational Skills Being organized and methodical; able to plan work and meet deadlines and targets; monitoring progress of work to ensure that you are on track.

7 Middle School Student Skill
Skills What Does it Mean? Middle School Student Skill Team Work Working well with other people from other areas, backgrounds and expertise to accomplish a task or goal. Examples of how and when you learn this skill…. Ability to Adapt and Learn To be enthusiastic about your work and to identify ways to learn from your mistakes for the benefit of self improvement and your career. Numeracy The ability to use data and mathematics to support evidence or demonstrate a point. Valuing Diversity and Differences Knowing the value of diversity and what it can bring; understanding and being considerate of the different needs of different individuals. Negotiation Skills To take other people’s feelings and ideas and express your own requirements in an unemotional clear fashion to achieve a win-win outcome.

8 FRIDAY EXAM All questions will be in essay format – Work on using your writing skills to communicate your ideas. Worth 100 points – All section will be marked with the number of points. You can use your team mates to help you out – if you choose to do so. You will have one class period to complete this exam.

9 Life Motto

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