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Mapping mitigation technologies in the power sector

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1 Mapping mitigation technologies in the power sector
Paul Lako, Stefan Bakker ICTSD COP14 side event, Poznan, 2 December 2008

2 Mitigation in the power sector
Current primary energy: biomass 9.4% hydro 5.3% Technical potential > current energy consumption: Solar Geothermal Wind

3 Key mitigation technologies in power sector
Improving plant efficiency Wind energy Biomass Solar energy Geothermal Ocean energy Nuclear fission Shift from coal to gas CO2 capture and storage

4 Technology development
Source: EPRI (2007)

5 Mapping of solar energy technologies/goods

6 Mapping of CCS technologies/goods
The CO2 separation step is sensitive to impurities therefore Selective catalytic reactor (SGR); ESP, FGD CO2 separation: chemical: ethanolamine; gas fans, coolers, absorbers, stripper, condenser CO2 drying and compression IPCC, 2005

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