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Daily Warm-Up Tuesday, Jan. 7th

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Warm-Up Tuesday, Jan. 7th"— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Warm-Up Tuesday, Jan. 7th
-Describe a signal transduction pathway. What are the three steps? (Hint: see Ch. 5) HW: -Read 15.1 Turn In: -Transformation lab questions

2 Gene Expression Why must genes be regulated? Transcription is most
Environmental changes, energy cost (EVOLUTION!!!!!!!) Transcription is most common for control Prokaryotes and eukaryotes!!!! House-keeping genes transcribed always

3 Meet E. Coli Protein synthesis depends on our diet
Ex. Tryptophan levels and lactose digestion

4 Levels of Control Control enzyme activity
Feedback inhibition Control production of enzymes (gene expression)

5 Introducing…the Operon
Promoter- remember this? Operator- segment of DNA that acts as an on/off switch Genes Tryptophan synthesis is performed by several enzymes. The genes for these enzymes are located next to each other.

6 Coordinately controlled

7 Turning off a gene Repressor
Attaches to operator and prevents binding by RNA polymerase What does this do? Product of a regulatory gene (repressor) located away from gene

8 How do we turn a repressor off?
Active and inactive form Need substrate

9 Negative Gene Regulation
What do you think this results in? Stops gene regulation/production of product Operons turned off by activated repressors 2 Types: Repressible Inducible

10 Lac operon as an example of inducible

11 Positive Gene Regulation
Activator- protein that binds to DNA and stimulates transcription

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