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“Road Warriors, listen up: some rules for streetwise biking”

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Presentation on theme: "“Road Warriors, listen up: some rules for streetwise biking”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Road Warriors, listen up: some rules for streetwise biking”
Objective: I can analyze proposition and support patterns in text.

2 First Read Make a first read of the passage, “Road Warriors, Listen Up: Some Rules for Streetwise Biking”

3 Constructed Response Answer questions 1-5. Write in a complete sentence.

4 Key Vocabulary Proposition: important idea or opinion; can also be referred to as the author’s argument Supports: examples or reasons (evidence) that defend the proposition; also known claims Closing statement: ending with sentence that cites the benefits of his proposition

5 Reading Guide After your first read, re-read asking these questions: 1.Describe the problem the first four sentences establish. 2.Identify the proposal made in the next two sentences. 3.Examine the passage for statistics about bicycle accidents. Why does the article present these facts? 4.Review the main point of paragraph 5. How does the passage repeat the proposition and support pattern? Use a sticky note to complete!

6 Test practice Complete Test Practice 1-5. Write the best answer.

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