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Spain in the Age of Absolutism

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1 Spain in the Age of Absolutism

2 Europe in 1500

3 Spain’s Empire Charles V was King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor
Devout Catholic 1555 Peace of Augsburg

4 Phillip II Son of Charles V
When his father retired he received Spain, American colonies, and the Spanish Netherlands

5 shy, very religious, and could be aggressive for the Empire
1580 the King of Portugal died without and heir—Phillip II (his nephew) seized Portugal colonies provided Spain with a huge amount of money Phillip II took between a forth and a fifth of each ship for his own Spain could easily support a standing army of 50,000

6 Battle of Lepanto

7 Escorial

8 El Greco The Burial of Count Orgaz

9 Problems Weaken the Spanish Empire
severe inflation caused by: increased population the huge amounts of silver coming into the country decreased its value when Spain expelled the Jews in 1492, they expelled many artists and businesspeople Spain’s nobles did not pay taxes—tax burden fell on the lower classes lower classes remained poor and Spain never developed a middle class guild system used old fashioned methods Spaniards bought things they needed from other countries Spanish kings also borrowed money from German and Italian bankers to finance their wars Phillip II had to declare Spain bankrupt 3 times

10 The Dutch Revolt Dutch were Protestant, had a prosperous middle class and did not speak Spanish Phillip raised taxes and tried to get rid of the Protestants 1566 the Dutch revolted and destroyed Church Phillip sent and army to punish the Dutch and crush the rebellion

11 William of Orange for him the struggle was political—he wanted to free the Netherlands from Spain

12 Independent Dutch the United Provinces of the Netherlands was different from the rest of Europe religious toleration was practiced there was a republic-each province elected a governor who depended on support of merchants and landlords

13 Absolutism Grows authority was centralized when nations grew, feudalism declined, and cities emerged growing middle class supported monarchs—promised a peaceful and supportive environment for business wealth from colonies helped to pay for expanded ambitions the Church authority was weakened after the Reformation, allowing monarchs to step in

14 religious and territorial conflicts led to almost constant war
governments had to build larger armies and increase taxes to pay for them -peasants would respond with unrest and revolts—monarchs responded by increasing their power -expanded their bureaucracies, increased the size of their courts, and regulated daily life

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