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By: Jasmine Ahmed, Shelley Bi, Christina Bai

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1 By: Jasmine Ahmed, Shelley Bi, Christina Bai
Free Fall By: Jasmine Ahmed, Shelley Bi, Christina Bai

2 What is Free Fall? Free fall is the motion of an object falling with a constant acceleration In this case, the constant acceleration would be       a = g = 9.81 m/s2, but since objects free fall                     towards the Earth's surface ---> a = - g = m/s2  When there is no air resistance, all objects fall with the same acceleration regardless of their masses

3 For Example . . . If an astronaut dropped a hammer and a feather in space, the hammer and the feather would fall towards the surface with the same acceleration, therefore they would land on the surface at the exact same time.

4 In free fall, the acceleration, 9. 81 m/s2, remains constant
In free fall, the acceleration, 9.81 m/s2, remains constant. This occurs, because of the gravity near the Earth's surface.                                          V = at

5 To find the distance traveled by an object during free fall, we use the formula, where a=g
                   d= vit + 1/2 at2 When an object starts at rest, the formula is reduced to                        d= 1/2 at2,        because the velocity is 0 m/s. 

6 Problem 1 A ball dropped from rest falls freely until it hits the ground with a speed of 20 meters per second. The time during which the ball is in free fall is approximately (1) 1 s (2) 2 s (3) 0.5 s (4) 10 s

7 Solution to Problem 1 V = at t = V a t = 20 m/s -9.81 m/s^2
(2)  t = 2 seconds

8 Problem 2 An object is allowed to fall freely near the surface of a planet. The object has an acceleration due to gravity of 24 m/s2 How far will the object fall during the first second?   (1) 24 meters            (3) 9.8 meters   (2) 12 meters            (4) 4.9 meters

9 d= 1/2 at2 d= 1/2 (24 m/s2)(1s) (2) d= 12 m
Solution to Problem 2 d= 1/2 at2 d= 1/2 (24 m/s2)(1s)  (2) d= 12 m

10 Problem 3 3. Starting from rest, object A falls freely for 2.0 seconds, and object B falls freely for 4.0 seconds. Compared with object A, object B falls  (1) one-half as far        (3) three times as                                                   far   (2) twice as far             (4) four times as far

11 Solution to Problem 3 d= 1/2 at2 d= 1/2(-9.81m/s2)(2s)2 d= 19.62 m
d= m   (4) four times as far

12 http://www. youtube. com/watch. v=PE81zGhnb0w http://www. youtube

13 Homework Midyear review problems  #4 and #27  Amsco p. 25 #15 and #16

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