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Characteristics of people on the autism spectrum

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1 Characteristics of people on the autism spectrum

2 Primary Characteristics
Communication and social challenges Focus on a specific topic or interest Autism Spectrum or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) indicates that there is a wide range of strengths, weaknesses, and challenges experienced in a different mix by each person on the spectrum

3 Communication & Social Challenges
Speech Problems with taking turns in conversation – may speak over others or monopolize conversation May not speak out at all May speak loud or in a flat voice (little intonation/inflection) Repetitive patterns of speech or parroting Critical or honest and direct in ways that may embarrass or hurt others

4 Communication & Social Challenges
Literal interpretation of speech Problems understanding sarcasm, abstract language, and some forms of humor Idioms (save your breath, jump right in); double meanings; nicknames; cute names (e.g. pal, buddy) are often not understood or are outright confusing Person may get stuck trying to decipher what did not make sense (of the above) and miss the actual point of what is being said

5 Communication & Social Challenges
Nonverbal communication Does not receive the cues that body language, facial expressions, or tone of voice may give other people (inferring intent from a text or ) May have limited facial expressions or gestures (flat affect), others may think they are stiff or unfriendly Seem to lack emotional reactivity or have unexpected or “inappropriate” reactivity (ex. laughing when uncomfortable or overwhelmed) Uncomfortable or overstimulated by making eye contact

6 Communication & Social Challenges
Can struggle to understand or accept other points of view Difficult to analyze characters in stories, discuss feeling and emotions, or engage in imagination based activities May struggle to identify the important information, key ideas, etc. Writing can be physically painful and may not be a full or good expression of what the person knows

7 Focus on Specific Topic or Interest
May spend a great deal of time researching or talking about that topic, even if it is not a topic of interest or focus of those around the person Can lack interest in engaging other topics Find it disruptive and upsetting to stop doing something of interest Favored topics may be a frame of reference to understand other things; can interrupt lecture to discuss favored topic

8 Other Common Characteristics
Body awareness May stand too close to others, does not know when invading personal space Difficulty navigating rooms and avoiding obstructions May bump into people and not realize/apologize; can be very reactive to being bumped Sensory stimulation Brain processes more sensory input than others, can cause stress, anxiety and physical pain Objects can appear dark or blurred; may appear to jump around

9 Other Common Characteristics
Lights can be painfully bright, may hide eyes to cope Poor depth perception can lead to clumsiness Less overwhelming to focus on a small detail rather than a whole object or picture Loud sounds can be magnified and incredibly startling; noisy places can be soothing Inability to cut through background noise May have no sense of smell or be overwhelmed by odors Skin is especially sensitive to touch and textures May wear a limited number of outfits because most fabrics and fits are painful May avoid hugging, shaking hands, etc. or can be soothed by having tight pressure applied across the body Textures (and smell) of food may limit diet May need to rock, swing, or spin to get some sensory input

10 Other Common Characteristics
Can be forgetful or tend to lose things Managing time, prioritizing, and organization skills can be challenging May need simple yet specific, concrete, written and/or verbal instructions Difficulty conceptualizing progress in courses and are surprised by final grades Changes in routine can be upsetting

11 Cautions Other causes of characteristics
Talking with hands and limiting distractions Avoid verbal overload, shorter sentences Do not take behavior personally – behavior is typically from not understanding how it affects others and as way to cope in confusing, disorienting, or overwhelming environments Increase in unusual or difficult behaviors probably indicates an increase in stress

12 Cautions Do not assume that because person says they understand that they actually do Avoid stigmatizing difference Disclosing Success and survival may have meant learning or pretending to react like others May not feel safe disclosing or discussing May believe others do not notice how they are experiencing the world or that there characteristics or noticeable

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