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Aurora Composite Squadron

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1 Aurora Composite Squadron
12 June 2018

2 Aurora Composite Squadron
Core Values Integrity: …more than simple honesty. It embraces other attributes such as courage, responsibility, accountability, justice, openness, self-respect, and humility. … CAP members must practice the highest standards of self-discipline. Volunteer Service: …reflects the very essence of the organization—service to humanity. …this core value implies a commitment on the part of all CAP members to place the organization’s purposes first and foremost. Excellence: …to be the very best, and to consistently improve its humanitarian service to America. Respect: …treat each other with fairness and dignity, and work together as a team.

3 Aurora Composite Squadron
Agenda Introductions Visitors New Members Expiring Memberships Organizational Items Senior Activities Model Airplane Emergency Services ???? Round Table

4 Aurora Composite Squadron
Introductions Visitors New Members Chiu , Lucy W SM 11 May 2018 Tualatin, OR May-11 Sipes , Joseph Daniel CADET 06 Jun 2018 Silverton, OR June-08

5 Aurora Composite Squadron
Expiring Memberships Cadet Within 30 days of expiration Taylor, Hayden O'Brien, Micah Within 60 days of expiration McLachlan, John Within 90 days of expiration Bates, Alexander Clayton, Timothy Seniors Within 30 days of expiration Within 60 days of expiration Proffitt, Margaret Within 90 days of expiration Koon, Ricky Verkest, Christopher

6 Aurora Composite Squadron
Deputy Commander for Cadets Lt Col J Boyd Aerospace Education Officer Col T Kyle Testing Officer, Character Development Instructor, Leadership Officer Maj C Knox Activities Officer 2d Lt J L Bates Deputy Commander for Seniors, Personnel Officer, PAO Lt Col I Rosenberg Professional Development Officer Lt Col D Richards Transportation Officer 1st Lt P Mann Emergency Services Officer, 2d Lt C M Verkest, SM D T Mandrell Health Services Officer 2d Lt C M Verkest Communications Officer 2d Lt H D  Bates Aerospace Education Officer 2d Lt G W Bales Supply Officer Lt Col J Boyd Squadron Commander Capt Marc Minato Cadet Commander C/LtCol Proffitt Safety Officer Capt D Rosenberg Drug Demand Officer 1st Lt P Proffitt Administrative Officer 1st Lt P Proffitt Finance Officer 2d Lt H A Miller

7 Aurora Composite Squadron
Cadet Activities Aurora Composite Squadron to Leadership and Academic Bowl National Finals – June Collings Foundation - Wings of Freedom Tour, Friday, June 15 - Sunday, June 17, Aurora.   Collings' B-17, B-24, B-25, and P-51 aircraft will visit Aurora.  We have been invited to provide ground support for this visit; volunteers will have great access to the aircraft while parked on the ramp.  We will organize up to 5 groups to work a half-day slots.  Cadets and Seniors are encouraged to participate.  A sign-up list will be available at the meeting. Korean War Remembrance Ceremony, Saturday, June 16, 10:30-11:30, Town Center Park, Wilsonville. Oregon Wing Rocketry Weekend, July , Tillamook, OR.   Registrations limited to 25 participants, and closes July 1.  Contact Lt Col Walsh for more information. Fun in the Park - August 4 Wilsonville Park

8 Aurora Composite Squadron
Emergency Services SAREX Date: June 16 – 17 Time:  All day Saturday Location: La Grande Date: July 21 – 22 Location: Redmond Evaluated moved from August to Sep 7 – 9 Felix Keynote Every Tuesday through June

9 Aurora Composite Squadron

10 Aurora Composite Squadron
Professional Development Promotion To Minimum Skill Level I Time-In-Grade 2d Lt Level I 6 months as a member 1st Lt Level II 18 months as 2d Lt or TFO (or combination thereof Captain Level III 30 months as 1st Lt or SFO (or combination thereof) Major Level IV 4 years as Captain Lt Col Level V 5 years as Major

11 Aurora Composite Squadron
Professional Development SLS – July 14/15 Aurora Director: LtCol Kenneth Gonzalez Squadron Leadership. Squadron Leadership School (SLS) provides CAP's adult members with a basic understanding of CAP operations at the squadron level and how those operations affect CAP's national missions. Additionally, members learn more about CAP customs, core values, and communications. Case studies, discussion, and group assignments are integral facets of the SLS.

12 Aurora Composite Squadron
Professional Development UCC – August 11/12 Aurora Director: Lt Col Scott McGuire UCC is Civil Air Patrol's (CAP) primary course for new and aspiring squadron commanders (as well as group commanders). It is designed to ease the transition from serving on squadron staff to becoming the commander, leader and link to higher headquarters (HHQ). The objective of the UCC is to build a cadre of well-trained officers who are prepared to lead and manage at the squadron level. Graduates will be able to weave the management responsibilities of command with the leadership skills necessary to build and encourage their team of dedicated members from all walks of life and of all ages to accomplish CAP's mission and squadron objectives.

13 Aurora Composite Squadron
Professional Development CLC – September 15/16 Aurora Director: Maj Timothy Paquin The Corporate Learning Course (CLC) discusses the relationship the CAP squadron has with the next major echelon of command -- the wing. Specifically, CLC discusses how wing-level operations help to accomplish CAP's three missions of aerospace education, emergency services, and cadet programs. It describes the working relationships wing staff officers have with each other, and their squadron level counterparts.

14 Aurora Composite Squadron
Discussion Oregon Wing Conference October 5/7 Mount Bachelor Village Resort, Bend Director: 2dLt. Jill Simmons

15 Aurora Composite Squadron
Discussion Senior Activities Every Forth Tuesday This month Start on model airplane Round Table

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