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Some basics that every good story and/or book must have ….

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Presentation on theme: "Some basics that every good story and/or book must have …."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some basics that every good story and/or book must have ….
Story Elements Some basics that every good story and/or book must have ….

2 1. Setting What is the setting? Time Place Climate/Weather
Immediate Circumstances What is the use of the setting? Create a mood Be the source of conflict or struggle Symbolize an idea Make action seem more real

3 The time and place of the story is the setting

4 2. Characterization A writer reveals what a character is like
and how the character changes throughout the story. Two primary methods of characterization: Direct- tells what the character is like Indirect- shows what a character is like by *describing how the character looks, *telling what the character says and does, *telling what other characters say about and do in response to the character

5 Direct Characterization
…And I don’t play the dozens or believe in standing around with somebody in my face doing a lot of talking. I much rather just knock you down and take my chances even if I’m a little girl with skinny arms and a squeaky voice, which is how I got the name Squeaky From “Raymond’s Run” by T. Bambara

6 Indirect Characterization
The old man bowed to all of us in the room. Then he removed his hat and gloves, slowly and carefully. From “Gentleman of Rio en Medio” by J. Sedillo

7 The protagonist is the “good guy”

8 The antagonist is the “bad guy” or negative force

9 Examples of Protagonists vs. Antagonist
Lord of the Rings Frodo Saruman the Wizard Star Wars Rebels Empire Harry Potter Lord Voldemort The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lucy, Peter, Edmund and Susan The White Witch

10 Static vs. Dynamic Characters
Static character do NOT change in the course of the story. Dynamic characters change and evolve in the course of the story. (Often “good guys” will become better because they have learned valuable moral lessons. “Bad guys” will become even worse for having been beaten and/or humiliated by the protagonist.)

11 3. Plot Plot is the organized pattern or sequence of events that make up a story. Every plot is made up of a series of incidents that are related to one another.

12 Roller Coaster Explanation of Plot
climax exposition resolution

13 PARTS OF PLOT Exposition – Learn about characters and setting, possible hint of conflict Rising Action - This part of the story begins to develop the conflict(s). A building of interest or suspense occurs. Conflict is made clear in rising action. Climax - This is the turning point of the story. Usually the main character comes face to face with a conflict. The main character will change in some way. Falling Action - All loose ends of the plot are tied up. The conflict(s) and climax are taken care of. Resolution - The story comes to a reasonable ending. Characters return to life without conflict…

14 4. Conflict Conflict is a struggle between opposing forces
Every plot must contain some kind of conflict. Without conflict, there is no plot. Stories can have more than one conflict Conflicts can be external or internal External conflict- outside force may be person, group, animal, nature, or a nonhuman obstacle Internal conflict- takes place in a character’s mind

15 Types of Conflict Character vs Character Character vs Nature
Character vs Society Character vs Self

16 Character vs. Character Conflict
This type of conflict finds the main character in conflict with another character, human or not human. One character must battle another character to gain power, true love, freedom, justice or acceptance One group of characters must free themselves from another One character must confront another to survive

17 Character vs. Nature Conflict
This type of conflict finds the main character in conflict with the forces of nature, which serve as the antagonist. One or more characters are lost in the wilderness (loss of food, shelter, warmth, etc.) One or more characters must face a natural disaster or aid those facing a disaster One or more characters are threatened by predators in nature

18 Character vs. Society Conflict
This type of conflict has the main character in conflict with a larger group: a community, society, culture, etc. Character trapped by circumstances of birth Character falsely accused by society Character feels apart from society and discovers own values

19 Character vs. Self Conflict
In this type of conflict, the main character experiences some kind of inner conflict. Character finds inner strength despite poor odds Character must develop moral compass Character must discover self-worth

20 A hint about what will happen next is called foreshadowing
For example, if you hear this: Then you know someone’s about to get eaten!

21 A reminder about what happened in the past is called flashback.

22 The point of view is the perspective of the story
“I was framed! I just wanted to borrow a cup of sugar!” “That rotten wolf tried to eat us!!!!”

23 Point of View *1st Person Point of View *2nd Person Point of View
Author’s choice of narrator for a story A story can be told in many different ways *1st Person Point of View *2nd Person Point of View *3rd Person Limited Point of View *3rd Person Omniscient Point of View

24 First Person Point of View
In first-person point of view, the narrator is a character in the story. The narrator, or the one telling the story, may or may not be reliable in first person narratives because the narrator is a character within the story and is likely not entirely objective.

25 Second Person Point of View (EXTREMELY RARE)
Second-person point of view directly addresses the audience with the use of the pronoun “you.” Second-person point of view pulls us into the story by making us one of its characters. Memo: You will receive the following checklist of supplies in the next week. Directions: Use the following diagram in assembling the bookcase.

26 Third Person Limited Point of View
The narrator is not involved in the story. The narrator can watch the characters in the story and may know the feelings, thoughts, beliefs of a character or two, but not all characters. The narrator’s view is LIMITED; he/she cannot see everything and must make inferences about some.

27 Third Person Omniscient Point of View
The narrator is “all knowing” and “all seeing.” The narrator knows everything that all the characters are thinking, feeling, and believing. To be honest, this type of story doesn’t leave much to chance so it can be rather boring.

28 5. Theme A central message, concern, or insight into life expressed through a literary work Can be expressed by one or two sentence statement about human beings or about life May be stated directly or implied

29 (This is not an all-inclusive list.)
Sample Theme Topics Teamwork • Discrimination • Pride Trust • Resourcefulness • Challenges Ethical dilemmas • Nature • Leadership Euthanasia • Commitment • Diversity Freedom • Guilt • Love Convictions • Heroes • Community Social change • Loss • Patriotism Communication • Evil • Family Friendship • Loyalty • Power Acceptance • Hope • Friendship Customs • Loneliness • Values Money • Death • War Choices • Prejudice Denial • Poverty (This is not an all-inclusive list.)

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